
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 7-3

It was business as usual for the ORC the following day. Rias had to wonder why Noé arrived at school that day in quite the mess, and he'd refused to elaborate as he all but dragged himself around the campus the whole day. At some point the teacher had just excused him to leave and nap in the nurse's office for a while. So, now here Rias was, with Akeno as usual as they filed papers and checked for any new requests, of which Koneko and Yuuto were already out on new ones.

"First two contracts, yet he didn't actually make one… and yet the clients enjoyed the time they spent with him," Akeno said as she tapped the papers in her hand straight. Rias hummed as she toyed with one of her yet unused pawns, the piece ivory white and edged in gold. Yet all the other pieces on the board besides a single knight, rook, bishop, and the other seven pawns had a crystalline red color. "He may not be part of the Peerage as officially as you may prefer, but even then, he's still helpful."

"An extra hand is never unwelcome when it comes to our business," Rias said, "But I also know Edelweiss is no fool. He sees that he can benefit from this arrangement, and so he's merely playing along so long as it works out for him."

"Hmm? Well… I get the sense he doesn't fully trust us. I can understand why though." Akeno said, Rias glancing at the vice president. "Look at it from his perspective. Aside from his sorcerer father and being aware of his powers, he's had a relatively standard life where he kept out of wider affairs. And then all thanks to some bad luck, suddenly he finds himself under the care of the Gremory Clan, unknowingly thrust right into the politics of Devil life. I wouldn't be surprised if his continued assistance will come with… prices."

"Well, I suppose greed in a Devil is never a bad thing. At the least, he's shown ambition… and he understands he's better off working up the ladder than something… potentially less pleasant," Rias remarked, leaning on a hand, "But at least he possesses ambition. But I can't help but be curious what exactly his bloodline is. Neither Father nor Brother would answer when I asked about it… which means he can't just have been born of a common bloodline. There's also the mysterious absence of his mother to consider. Why would she feel the need to be away from her family? And what even connects her to mine?"

"So, our cute new provisional is likely another noble hmm? Hmhmhm, half-blood or not, if word like that got out, it would make quite the political drama, wouldn't it? It really does make you wonder, just who is he?" Akeno mused, Rias giving a chuckle.

"I'd be very interested in finding out the answer to that. I suppose it'll be worth managing his freewheeling to discover that," Rias then looked at the other stack of papers next to her, "Now as for tonight's summoning requests… oh, there's another extra. Akeno, would you call our dear provisional?"

"Of course. Just give me a moment," Akeno stepped out of room with that remark, Rias giving a hum.

"You may only be working with me to find your own answers at your leisure, and you may not be my Servant. But in a way, being a protectorate still makes you mine to care for, Noé Edelweiss. I'll enjoy unraveling the mystery about who you are as time comes."