
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 6-2

The interior of the mansion was no better than its exterior in terms of the shabby state of it. Walls beginning to be more mold than anything from years of water damage, rotting wood that threatened to give out under every step, and various degrees of damage across the walls and ceiling. And a pungent, thick stench of blood seemingly baked into the air itself. It fit what Noé would categorize as the usual abode of a Stray Devil.

"Well, they've certainly made the place home," Yuuto noted, pinching his nose as he spoke. "Never a pleasant smell huh?"

"Eh, I'm used to it," Tsuno remarked, taking a deep sniff, then letting out an excited chuckle as his pupils narrowed into slits, and fangs had become quite visible in his mouth, "Gets the old instincts fired up!"

"… he's not human?" Koneko said.

"You seriously expect me to have a normal friend who comes along on shit like this?" Noé said, the short girl humming. "Let's just say when we're out, Tsuno uses a fair bit more of a complicated glamour than I do."

"I wear the beanie for a reason," Tsuno snickered, tugging at the black item on his head. "You'll see soon enough."

"On topic…" Rias spoke up, "What information do you have on our targets?"

"Aside from being runaways from the same Peerage, I also know what Pieces they had," Van stated, "Rev was a bishop, so expect decent skills with magic. Lear is a Rook, so they'll be strong and tough to physical hits."

"Hmm, I see…" Rias gave a thoughtful hum, then turning to the others as they stopped their procession. "Then how about this? Noé, Tsuno, you two can handle the Rook. I'm already aware Noé is a proficient melee fighter… and from your aura, Tsuno, I can tell you also like being in the front of things."

"And instead, you crack at the spellcaster?" Tsuno asked, shrugging. "Fine by me, if that's more your speed."

"No reason to argue. Wouldn't be fun if they couldn't take a hit anyway," Noé said as he stretched his arms, his fingers popping in a quick motion as he loosened up. "Alright, the Bishop is yours, so have fun with 'em… whenever we find them. Or…" Noé looked to the side, "They find us. We may wanna duck."

As they did so, one of the walls suddenly burst apart in a torrent of ice shards that filled the room like shrapnel. Noé's senses fired off as a shape emerged from the sudden mist made by the ice storm, shooting up alongside Koneko in that moment, both of their fists colliding with the shape charging at them. Whatever it was went flying into the opposite wall, more of the already damaged walls crumbling around it as it hit the floor. A second shape then became visible within the mist as the first one rose back up.

What faced the two were hardly human in form, not anymore at least. The one that Noé and Koneko had sent flying was a horrid, bipedal combination of lion-like and crocodilian features, while the second was sleeker, bird-like in shape but again bearing reptilian traits as well, giving its twisted, wing-like arms an odd shape to them, while feathers were also dusted with layers of ice as well.

"Seems we don't have to wait long," Van noted, rising first as the Strays let out hissing, clicking growls at them, "Not far enough gone to avoid planning, and even laying an ambush… you two must have known we were here already."

"Hahaha, obviously, human," the larger of the two growled, his voice a low grumble through his maw. "Walking into one's domain is often foolish."

"Well I'm certainly glad you're willing to talk," Rias mused. "I can assume you also know why we're here."

"The damned Marquis…" the bird-like Stray hissed, the clicking tone just betraying a woman in sound. "We figured… This backwater town would be excellent to remain in… who'd have thought… it was overseen by the Gremory of all clans?"

"Gremory and Sitri," Rias clarified, "Despite being 'backwater', this town has adequate protection. So, on the orders of Marquis Gremory, the two of you are to be put down for the crime of the murder of your Master."

"And what do you know, girl?!" Howled the larger Stray, likely Lear, "You know nothing of what we experienced under that fiend! He deserved the death we doled out to him!"

"Though… we can admit the pain we inflicted was most delicious… keheheheee…" Laughed the bird, Rev no doubt. "His terrified look on realizing his death was worth all of the trouble?"

"Worth twisting yourselves into actual monsters apparently," Noé snarked, smirking as the Strays shot him glares. "Just doesn't seem like a good trade is all. I'd sure as hell hate to lose this pretty face all 'cause I got pissed off enough to kill the guy I was working under."

"Cheeky," Lear growled, "Let's see how that face looks after we're done!"

"Let's take this easy, why not?" With a snap of Van's fingers, the charge Lear set himself into stalled, black walls shooting up around the Stray before enclosing him into them, like a flat cube of existence itself. Dull thuds could be heard from within, Van shaking his head. "Unfortunately, that barrier isn't going to be so easy to get out of. Gremory, you handle yours; we'll watch."

"Is this some kind of game to you?!" Rev shouted, Van nodding as he, Noé, and Tsuno approached the sealed box. "Bastards!"

"Try saying that when you're not the ones guilty of wanton murder," Rias stated, turning to the Stray, "There's a lot more blood than just your master's on your hands… this place wouldn't be so retched if it wasn't. A shame, really… humans should honestly be left out of the affairs of Devils lest we intend to Reincarnate them or make a contract… now you'll pay the price for that flagrant defiance! Ready everyone?"

"Yes, President!" The other three gave ready affirmatives, all four moving out of the way as Rev sent more shards of ice flying their way.

"So, how about it, Noé, ready for that lesson?" Rias shouted, her wings out as she lifted back through the air. "Since it seems appropriate, how about we go in order? Yuuto, my Knight! You get first pickings!"

"With pleasure!" Yuuto drew the sword at his hip, dashing forward through the storm of ice. Noé let out a hum as the blonde seemingly vanished, reappearing, and then doing so again as he closed the gap with the stray. When Rev took a swing at him with one of her talon marked wings, he sped away again, his sword flashing through the air and taking the wing with it. He was also sure to get a few more cuts in before dashing out as spikes of ice exploded around the furious Stray.

"Knight huh… considering Evil Pieces are themed on Chess… a knight's bit is odd movement," Noé remarked, Rias nodding as he caught on.

"Indeed," Said the girl, "Knights like Yuuto are granted the gift of incredible speed and agility. And as is clear, Yuuto is quite the swordsman, though Knights vary in their choice of fighting style."

"This is how the Gremory's engage in combat?!" Rev roared, "To give a lecture to some bystander?!"

"To be fair you're not exactly making it hard to get unfocused!" Tsuno called out, angling his head to the side when an ice spike was sent flying his way. "Feisty!"

"Koneko, you're turn," Rias said, the short girl nodding as she tapped her gloved fists together. "Koneko, like our trapped foe over there, is a Rook. Their trait is, as said…"

"You send a little girl to face me?" Rev cawed, her laugh following the same trend as Koneko approached her calmly. "How insulting, Gremory child! That you would…"

"Just shut it," Koneko deadpanned, her first flying forward and slamming into the Stray's gullet, sending the creature sailing back into the wall with blood and bile spewing from her fanged beak. "You talk too much."

"Is strength and powerful defenses," Rias concluded, "Despite being a Bishop, this one's spells wouldn't have a hope of even scratching Koneko. I did honestly hope for more of a challenge. Akeno, would you finish this one?"

"With pleasure," Akeno chuckled, lightning sparking around her hands as she then blasted a wave of ice away in an instant, "Oh my, how rude! Rias does need to finish her explanation to our cute provisional… So how about you remain quiet?"

With a boom like thunder, Akeno cast her hands forward, lightning blasting from her palms and colliding with Rev. The Stray screeched as her body spasmed from the stream of electricity coursing through it, Akeno's soft, yet rather sadistic chuckles following as the blast ended, only to be followed by another. And another. And another.

"Akeno is my Queen," Rias said, glancing at Noé as Akeno continued her 'task', "And as such she is my strongest Piece. The Queen provides its holder with the benefits of all other Pieces as one. As such, the choice of Queen is a rather important one for the King. You need to be sure not to waste it. Akeno took it quite well. And…" Rias spared a glance to the now rather crispy looking Rev as Akeno loosed one more blast of lightning. "She's also quite the sadist."

"Hm, I can dig it," Noé remarked, Rias looking at him with eyes fluttering in surprise, "Don't think anything too funny. I'm not an M… but, I can roll with hot and kinky."

"My my, quite the flatterer, aren't you?" Akeno mused, and one could almost feel how excited she was as she stepped away from the spasming Rev, "She's yours to finish, President."

"Thank you," Rias nodded as she stepped over to the Stray, looking down at her with a slightly disappointed look, "Anything to say for yourself, o' Stray Bishop?"

"Just… end me…" growled Rev.
