
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 4-4

"I cannot believe I actually spent that time running roughshod about Kamen Rider and Toku trivia… my lord I need to keep myself in check sometimes."

Noé sighed as he proceeded down the road away from Morisawa's apartments. He could have teleported back to the ORC room but after that he felt the need for some fresh air and time to think. Any success at actually getting a proper contract through fell out since all Morisawa could think of were things that would have cost the guy his soul. He certainly wasn't looking forward to what Rias was likely to say in response to that. He could only guess it would leave him annoyed.

"Pah whatever. Freaking starving… might as well run to a place for some food… something cheap and easy would do it…"

Noé stopped when he felt a presence. He heard the flapping of wings behind him, turning to find himself faced with one of the four fallens who had attacked him before, the woman in the revealing attire as it happened.

"Well, well, back for round two huh?" Noé hummed. "How's the one who's wing I blasted healing up? Did she lose it?"

"A wound like that is simple enough for us to fix," The fallen said, producing her spear with a flick of her wrist. Noé raised his brow as she raised the weapon. "And we intend to get payback for that humiliation."

"Really now?" Noé chuckled as he rolled his shoulders. "You couldn't even scratch me going four on one. You think you can manage all on your own?"

"We were caught off guard back then. But now that we know what you're capable of, don't expect me to make the same mistake twice! You'll die by the hand of Kalawarner tonight, Devil!"



In a flash of red, Noé threw his left arm out, blocking Kalawarner's spear as she lunged at him. As the spear's light began to fade from the contact, Kalawarner drew it back, producing a second spear in her free hand. Noé recognized the coming feint and drew back, letting the spear shoot over him and shifting to the side as the first spear was swung back down. In the opening that the dual strike created, Noé's right arm flew forward, the gauntlet shifting open and spilling with emerald light as he threw the haymaker between the spears.

And on contact with Kalawarner, the light spilling from the gauntlet burst in time to the blow, sending the Fallen Angel careening into the air, the pressure of the blow shredding some of her attire and spilling blood as she leveled out.

"You can still run, you know?!" Noé called out. "After a blow like that you're not gonna be swinging as hard again. I'm not fond of killing people I don't have to. Besides, you lot are just scouts, right? No point wasting your life on this."

"It's true, we were only sent here to scout the area and verify the information we were given," Kalawarner admitted, "And in hindsight Raynare deciding to make out first move to attack was quite stupid… but, now that we've confirmed your nature and your powers, letting you live is out of the question! Besides, what's one half-breed? Unlike the Devils who oversee this area, killing you won't cause a mess."

"Yeah, about that…" Noé dismissed his right gauntlet, turning his hand to reveal the crest now marking his palm. He smirked when Kalawarner's eyes widened. "This half-breed just got himself a sponsor. So sorry to say, but it would cause an issue if you went after me now."

"The Gremory crest?! You have got to be kidding me…" Kalawarner growled, brandishing her spears. She then scoffed, looking up with a snarl. "In the end though it remains reason enough to kill you! We can't allow our enemies in this territory to get their hands on a power like yours after all."

"How much is it going to take to drive home that you can't win?!"

Noé growled as he dodged the incoming series of slashes and jabs. Blowing through one of the spears with his right hand, he swung his leg around and planted a solid roundhouse to Kalawarner's side, feeling the sick crunch of bones under his leg as he flung her down the street. As the Fallen rose again, her left arm was hanging limp at her side, a clear break in the upper arm.

"Damn you!" As the Fallen Angel threw her remaining spear with all the power forced into it she could muster, Noé dropped back as he lowered his right hand, intent to gather his own power to it as the spear sailed towards him. Just end it quickly… whether I kill her or not at this point may not really matter… much as I don't like the idea, she's clearly not backing down from this! So fine!

But it wasn't emerald light that gathered around Noé's gauntlet as he began to raise it up. The energy that began to burst from the crimson plates instead was a near-black crimson. And as Noé's arm shot out, that burst of energy expanded and burst outwards, shooting forward like a dragon's maw as that dark crimson flashed to bright red, taking the spear of light with it as the "maw" snapped down on Kalawarner. A violent scream pierced the air as that burst of power shot upwards, taking Kalawarner into the sky and bursting apart.

"What the… hell?" Noé could only stare in disbelief as black feathers drifted down alongside flecks of dark crimson light. Looking at his right hand, that power was still drifting from his arm, even as the Boosted Gear was dismissed. That had not been the dragon's power, but instead, it was clear to him now whatever he had done, it was something else that he had suddenly drawn out… and something he hadn't been able to control despite his intentions.

[Partner, you okay?] Ddraig spoke up, Noé slowly nodding. [Why so shaken? It's not like this is the first time you've killed somebody.]

"That was…" Noé caught himself before he could finish the sentence. Different? Who am I kidding? Even if I've killed before, even if they were Stray Devils… it doesn't change the fact I wasn't trying to this time. "Ddraig, do you have any idea what that was?"

[Like I can say. Like I said, this is the first time I've had a half-Devil as a vessel. That power was as new to me as it was you. Look, that Fallen Angel was practically begging for it. It's her fault she didn't back down when you gave her the chance.]

"I know that!" Noé shouted, his fist shaking as he clamped it shut, dispersing the remnants of that power around it. "But it's one thing to intend to do it, and another for something to go out of your control. Dammit… I need to ask dad what the fuck this is. No way he'll stay quiet about something like this!"