
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 3-3

While Noé certainly thought he could have some fun with surprising Rias on who his father was, he could add there was one potential wrench in the works to that. And it was the fact Van could be… absentminded at times. And with that absentmindedness came times where the man could accidentally end up linking the door to The Back Alley somewhere in their house that wasn't the normal office door. It was rare, but Noé tried his best not to take his chances on things.

So he breathed quite the subtle sigh of relief when he and Rias arrived at the front door and it was completely normal.

"Hey, I'm home!" Noé leaned in through the door as he opened it, wanting to be sure nothing was out of order as he entered. "And someone's with me."

"Pardon the intrusion," To Noé's mild surprise, Rias showed quite proper manners (by Japanese) standards as she followed him in, smoothly removing her shoes at the doorway as was proper. Noé leaned past the entrance to the living room, to his own surprising finding Van looking over some papers while the TV blared a random channel purely for the background noise.

"Oi!" Noé called, Van almost tossing the papers in the air as he noticed his son. "You didn't hear me when I came in?"

"Ah, what… ahem, no," Van almost spluttered as he sorted himself out, Noé rolling his eyes. "Sorry, I'm just going over some things and was a bit too focused on it is all. How was school?"

"School, that's about it. Though… someone decided she should tag along," Noé leaned against the door frame, Rias leaning in with a dainty wave. And it took all of Noé's willpower to restrain the urge to snicker as he spoke next. "See, she invited me to join her club, and just wanted to clear some things up."

"It's only to make sure things are evident," Rias sat down in a chair with well-practiced grace, smoothly adjusting her skirt as she lowered down. "Our club runs certain extracurricular activities, so I wanted to at least clear it up with his father."

"I see," Van shot a look over to Noé, catching how his son was starting to shudder from restrained laughter. "Well, as long as the club doesn't interfere with his part-time work, there's no reason for me to object to him taking on some extra activities."

"Oh, I wasn't aware he had a job," Rias seemed almost confused as Van looked back to his papers. "Though I can assure it won't get in the way. He's more of a… helper than a normal member." She also shot Noé a look as he covered his hand while looking away. "Edelweiss, is there… something funny?"

"Ugh, do forgive him for being this way," Van said, Rias raising a brow. "Since it seems you haven't caught on, Noé is messing with you, Rias Gremory."


"Seems Zeoticus was right, you do get a bit ahead of yourself," If it were possible for someone to produce question marks above their head, then Rias absolutely had an expression on her face that said she'd be doing so about now, "Let me educate you on two things, Rias: First, it's quite rude to enter a man's home and proceed to try and use a charm spell on him merely to make a request of him. And two… you really need to be more aware of who runs which sections of this region."

"Uh… you said the name of my father…" Rias stammered. Noé was now doubled over trying to suppress his laughter. "You wouldn't happen to be…"

"Allow me to properly introduce myself and my son," Van set down his papers and stood, and the air around the man quite immediately changed. "I am Van Edelweiss, independent Sorcerer contracted to Zeoticus Gremory and current overseer to the third district of Kuoh Town. My son is Noé, the current holder of the Boosted Gear, and also my assistant regarding my duties in this territory. And it was me and Zeoticus who put together this plan for Noé to be brought under Gremory protection in the event outside forces ever targeted him.

"WHAT?!" Noé and Rias reacted at the same time, Noé's former mirth vanishing in an instant while Rias shot to her feeth in shock.

"Is this what you meant when you told me to just go along with things this morning?!" Noé shouted, Van nodding. "WHAAAT?! Since when was this…!" he gestured to Rias to make the point, "Ever part of the plan of what the hell would go on in my life?! Does mom know about this?! I know she's not here much but she has to be involved, isn't she?"

"Well, while I say this was arranged by me and Zeoticus, the idea was not necessarily ours," Van admitted, only further confusing the two teenagers. "This plan was actually put into place a short time after you were born, Noé… by both your mother and Rias' elder brother."

"Brother was involved?!" Rias gasped. She bit a thumb as she looked to the side. "Seriously? Just what the hell is even going on if Brother has something to do with this? Just… who are you?"

"Oh nice to know you can look frustrated too," Noé bit. "And that just gives me my own questions as well! Isn't her brother freaking Lucifer?! What the hell kind of Devil is mom if she knows that guy?"

"I would quite like to know that myself!" Rias added.

"Some things are better left unsaid by certain people," Van said. He sighed when the two teens only gave him a stubborn expression. "If you want to ask Luna questions, do it the next time she's around. It's not my place to go talking about her situation even as her husband. Much as I try to involve myself she refuses to let me. I know enough to be satisfied though. Let's just say there's a reason we live here in Japan rather than a place with more supernatural activity."

"Definitely not because of my Sacred Gear, that's for sure," Noé griped, clicking his tongue as he folded his arms. "Fine. But then why the hell do I have to be set up as this girl's extra help?"

"You agreed to do so!" Rias objected.

"Doesn't mean I can't ask why."

"Because we figured if something like this did happen, it would also mean you'd be dragged into the wider world from then on," Van stated, sitting back down. "Rias has experience as the leader of a Peerage you lack, Noé. If you becoming involved in this world more than you already are has become inevitable, then it's best you start learning from someone who knows the routines."

"You say that like you're expecting me to do something big," Noé muttered. "I'll learn from her sure, but I'd like to at least keep my life sensible. Getting involved in all that crap with the nobility isn't my style."

"Well, I apologize for being one of them then," Rias scoffed, Noé glaring at her.

"And there's the haughtiness back on! What Princess, mad the new guy isn't keen on putting up with you?"

"I'm actually starting to rethink this arrangement. Had we not already made our deal, this incorrigible attitude of yours would make me second guess my father's decision. Honestly, you're such a rude boy. I can't believe you tried to set me up like you did."

"We're the same damn age smartass," Noé's eye twitched as an aggravated smirk came to him. "And it ain't my fault you fell hook line and sinker for it! You didn't at all think my dad knew my deal, did you?"

"I considered a possibility. For all I knew you had only begun expressing your traits as a Devil only recently."

"You think a guy who can make a Sub-species Gear would've done that recently?!"

Van rolled his eyes as the teenagers started getting a bit too into their squabbling, only ending when Rias decided to take her leave, and the entire way Noé was still trading barbs until she was out the door. Van only watched as the boy cursed and grumbled in annoyance, storming off to his room without another word.

"Ah geez…" Van sighed. "Luna, next time you get back I hope you can sort those two out… it's going to be troublesome if they keep this kind of attitude with one another."