
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 2-3

Van Edelweiss was a man who ran what one could call an… unusual business. Like his son, he was far from what one would call normal, for as much he looked and oft presented as a totally normal human. But that was the matter, he was not. He was no devil like his son, but neither was he the opposite. He was certainly human, but he was not a normal human. Rather, he was a sorcerer. Or magician. The phrases were for the most part interchangeable as far as those who used them were ever concerned.

And it was a trade he certainly plied. Such was his "business" within Kuoh Town. The Back Alley, a small office shoved away in downtown Kuoh Town with a particular tagline to it: "Found by those who need it, when they need It." Van could chalk it up to a smart little enchantment he made use of. Kuoh Town was just out of the way enough there were no exact rules on what it's supernatural denizens could or could not do, as long as they stuck to certain pre-described locations.

The suburbs within the area Kuoh Academy were, for example, overseen by the Gremory family, so as such it was a place most sorts were wise enough to steer clear of unless they wanted trouble. And the greater city? That was Van's job to oversee. While The Back Alley certainly seemed like a normal office, the desks of his office space were littered with tomes and papers, some of which still glowed with traces of magical energy as he brushed his hands along them, each paper visibly etched in arcane formulas and runes.

Brushing aside the latest set of papers atop the large ebony desk centering the room, Van sat at the large chair. Cracking his knuckles, he spun his hands over the clear space, a dark blue magic circle forming with a smaller red one taking shape in the center. The smaller circle bore the mark of a rose at its middle. With an additional snap, the two circles grew brighter for a moment.

"Connection, Zeoticus Gremory," As Van leaned back while the magic circles pinged, a moment later, the ebbing lights took form. Within the lights formed the image of a man in a white suit, with long red hair, a well-trimmed goatee, and bright blue eyes. The next to total opposite image of the scruffy looking sorcerer. "Zeo. Been a while."

"It certainly has, Van," Zeoticus chuckled. "When did we speak last? It was… ah yes, after that incident with those two Strays a month ago. What a mess that was, hm?"

"Nothing we couldn't handle, but you know I'm not calling you so we can idly reminisce about past work while I meddle with formulas."

"Of course not. This is about that finally coming to pass," Zeoticus let out a sigh, clearly reclining into whatever he was seated in. "If I'm to be honest, Van, I had hoped we wouldn't have had to resort to this, especially not when Lunarinelia is still absent."

"You know as well as I do Luna is just going to laugh it off once she's home. This was her and Zechs' idea to begin with," Van leaned forward on his elbows. "But we also know if we have to put this into place, it means others have noticed. Frankly I think two years of unlocking the Boosted Gear and keeping it under wraps has to be some new record."

"I would certainly say so! Especially with what you tell me young Noé has done with it, truly marvelous I would say," Zeoticus' jaunty laugh faded into a sterner expression. "But let's also be serious. If it was Fallen Angels who attacked your son, it gives a good idea of who could have told them he possesses such a Sacred Gear. Which does not bode well if he plans to make a move… but still, why send in four low rankers like that?"

"Maybe someone else gave them their orders," Van suggested, "Or they were only fed info while operating on their own. It wouldn't be surprising all things considered. Honestly, Fallen were probably going to show up here eventually. That old church is a prime locale to make a hideout in since it's obvious your daughter and Sitri won't go near the place."

"That would be good to keep in mind. The thing to be concerned about is if they'll actually honor Noé being under our protection, so he isn't treated like a stray," Zeotics gave a thoughtful hum, Van nodding in agreement. "Things may be peaceful for NOW… but it's strenuous at best. And now that those Fallen have clearly seen what Noé is capable of… well, whatever they are planning, it's likely he's risen high into their list of threats."

"That's also my concern. I don't doubt Noé's ability to handle it if they go after him again. Frankly something like this would barely be a stroll in the park for him. Rather… it's the possibility to cause a political mess," Van sunk further into his chair as he shut his eyes. "There would be little to stop them from claiming that, if Noé were to eliminate those four, he acted on his own despite his status as a ward, which would be plenty of incentive for some Fallen to pick an even bigger fight. They were hit the hardest when the war ended… some of them are desperate."

"Indeed. Well, no use in us stressing over it for the time being," Zeoticus' change back to relaxed brought Van to narrow his gaze. "That's all we can do for now, Van. Let's let the kids have some fun and see how they get along. Rias knows her way around acting as a devil, so she can hopefully teach Noé a thing or two. We both know this situation was utterly inevitable… his bloodline wouldn't allow that child to live a normal life, no matter how much you and Lunarinelia wished it."

"At least, remaining in the Inner Side bought us almost twenty years' worth of time. Noé is prepared… as much as we were able to prepare him anyway."

"Though, I assume he doesn't know, does he? About the nature of his non-human blood, the nature of Lunarinelia's heritage?"

"He still hasn't been able to use that power… yet, though. It's only a matter of time, honestly."

"I see. Well then, I will leave you to it. Oh, do take it easy on Rias, will you? She's unaware of the identity of the local sorcerer, so try not to hit her ego too hard when she brings this to you, yes?"

"Haha, are you sure I shouldn't help your daughter get her head on straight if that's the case?" Van's amused smirk brought Zeoticus to laugh. "I'll see you later, Zeoticus. I'll update you if anything changes with the situation. And do get some new contracts in, business is getting light."

"Will do, though of course Rias and her Peerage are going to need to handle some of these jobs you know?"

"Of course. Have a good day."

As the light faded, Van turned the chair around to a wall covered in more pages of formula and runes. As much as he would say as a father he disliked his son being in dangerous situations, it was also his job to teach the boy how to control the abilities he was born with and the awareness of his half-devil nature. If it was inevitable that Noé would run headlong into the true nature of himself amid this world, then it was everything the sorcerer could do to prepare the boy for that. He could only be thankful he had been given plenty of valuable time to do so.

"Well then…" Van stood, going to a map of the town, pressing his fingers to a mark with "church" written next to it. "Let's start the case, shall we? The case of the Fallen Angels in Kuoh."