
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Life 1-3

… since within their classroom among the third years, Noé possessed the misfortune of being Rias' desk neighbor. In previous years they hadn't even been in the same class, but this year seemed intent to grace Noé with a divine prank that had earned him the ire of darn near every male in the school (and some of the females) by placing him right next to the school idol herself. Meaning that whenever lessons weren't happening and he had no excuse to ditch the classroom, eyes were almost always on him.

Of course, what never helped matters in this newfound problem of his was his own reputation around the campus. It had mostly been earned no thanks to his rather well-known reputation for taking on and beating any gangs from around the city who had their rather bad habit of continuing to come and pick fights no matter how much he made it clear he wasn't interested. So, on one hand, people thought he was also a delinquent who went around getting into all kinds of trouble outside of school – which in some measures he could say wasn't incorrect but not for the reasons people would have thought.

On the other though, was the fact Noé wasn't what one would call a bad student either. He didn't aim to stick out, much like his dislike for being harassed by delinquents all the time, but to say he wasn't a model student also didn't fit. He got good grades, often showed he was fittingly intelligent, and never personally went out of his way to cause problems for others. All in all, he'd found that people just couldn't figure out what to think of him ever since he'd begun attending Kuoh Academy. And in a way, Noé somewhat preferred it that way.

"Ahhh, I'm so jealous of Edelweiss, getting to sit next to Gremory!"

"Isn't he like, the leader of every gang in town? Or is that just a rumor? I mean he did chase off those guys this morning."

"Really? Cause I heard he's super helpful and is always lending a hand to the teachers and student council."

"But he's like super hard to approach though! Don't get me wrong he's hot but his eyes just feel like they look right through you…"

"Yeah but I mean he's also supposed to be super nice. I was in first year with him and he acted way nicer back then."

"And so the rumors continue to spin, round and round they go," Noé set his head onto his desk as he let out a sigh. Glancing up when he felt eyes on him, he caught Rias's eyes darting back to the front of the class. [That time… that time she was definitely looking my way. He thought. I've been careful enough I doubt she's found out… but for all I know she and Prez are plenty aware and just not bringing it up. Then again I don't think it would be surprising if they noticed. Looks like I should try and keep low for a bit…]


Of course, it was all the harder for Noé to keep low when, no sooner did classes come to a close, that he found himself getting called to the student council office. In a situation he would remark as being right out of a manga, the Student Council of Kuoh Academy held considerable sway in the goings ons of the school and the general management of students. Meaning if anything untoward, such as say, a student getting into a street fight right outside of the gates, then clearly such a thing would come to their attention in record time for quick address.

Noé for his part was quite used to this routine.

"This is the third time this month, Edelweiss. How many times is this going to happen?"

"Until those morons learn to leave me alone is my guess."

A huff came from the girl seated at the desk in front of Noé. She had a small, slight frame, with short black hair and violet eyes behind rimmed glasses. Despite this small frame, the girl named Sona Shitori gave off an air of authority that well fit her place as the Student Council President. Enough that most anyone but the stupidest sorts would bother not to listen to her when she was getting onto their case. A trait that more than usually kept unruly sorts in line. But there was always exceptions. And Noé was, somewhat, one of them.

"I think the problem would be abated if you didn't seem to like fighting those hooligans whenever they show up," Sona said as she adjusted her glasses, Noé looking to the side. "While I do appreciate you having the sense to keep these… activities away from the school, the mere fact there are rumors of you getting involved with delinquent gangs has been a problem your entire attendance here, Edelweiss."

"Ah c'mon, not all those guys are that bad. The Manji group is chill. And besides, they were a huge help at last year's summer festival, remember?" Noé earned a sigh in reply to his remark. "Look Prez, it ain't like I try to drag those morons to the school. You get into one scrap with people 'cause they decide to be funny and suddenly the entire dang city wants to pick a fight. It isn't my fault they don't know when to quit and leave me the hell alone."

"Hugh… the fact you have a point makes it more frustrating," Sona shook her head. "And since the fight technically wasn't on school property and before classes, it isn't as if I can punish you for it." Tsuno owes me no. Noé stopped himself from smirking as he saw Sona's steeled gaze. "Just be sure if it does happen again, it isn't in sight of any of our students. It would be damaging to the school's reputation if one of our star students turned out to run with gangs."

"Yeah yeah, don't worry about it Prez. Not in the mood for that side of things anyway. So am I free to go?"

"Yes," But as Noé turned, Sona cleared her throat, drawing his eyes as he reached the door. "May I ask, does this… mood of yours today have anything to do with that job you've mentioned?"

"Ahehe, callin' me out, eh?" Noé mused. "Yeah, sorry. It was a rough shift last night, so I wasn't in a good mood this morning. We still good on keeping my little off-time thing on the down low even if its against the rules?"

"As long as it doesn't interfere with your studies," Sona said. "Besides, I have reasons to understand I shouldn't step across that particular line. Enjoy your evening, Edelweiss."

Noé nodded and about bolted from the office. As he made his way down the hall, a rattling sigh passed through him as he got away. "Dammit Prez knows how to put the pressure on when she's mad. She doesn't look it much but you know when that girl is angry with you… definitely tellin' Manji to keep anyone coming for me away from here so she keeps off me about it."

"Heyyy!" And the came Tsuno trotting down the hallway, with the kind of smirk on his face that was telling Noé to expect some kind of trouble. "Finally free from getting your ear pulled huh? Excellent timing my best friend."

"Emphasizing that phrase and saying it in English is a troublesome sign," Noé grumbled as Tsuno threw an arm across his shoulder. There was absolutely no escape now. "What stupid thing am I about to be dragged to this time?"

"Oh just a little something a couple of second years told me about in exchange for some info of my own."
