
Devil The Volcanic Dragon Hybrid

Volcanic Dragons use to be very common, and live alongside Volcanic Drakes, large armoured, dangerous beasts they'd often spar with to determine their strength! Friendly spars, of course, but injuries can happen, mistakes can happen, humans can invade. And invade they did, dispersing them away from the Volcanoes, Volcanic Dragons needed a new way to survive and accumulate the energy the Volcanoes used to provide them to survive, while their numbers thinned enough to consider lives with more diverse species.

Axori_Gaming · Fantasy
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2 Chs


She didn't understand what had happened, the dark grey egg she craddled so often as her sibling had burst!

The figure that flopped out had such big cute eyes she just wanted to hug her new little sibling.

She was confused as they'd try to retreat into the rough shards of material they came from. She reached out a bit, to see if they were okay, and they just dived into her and hugged her! There was an adorable gurgly chitter.

She curled up with them and they started purring, which made her very happy.