
Devil Spawn And His OP System

devil is fated to evil why can't he change his destiny with a OP system he embark on the path to change his fate when act of good result to evil devil becomes angry ***This story is about a robber and how change his fate , facing death every moment , how he gets his revenge ????? -------------------------------------------------- release rate will be 2 chapters a weeks you can contact me on discord Ramp_seeker#6133 for any error in novel you comment on the same page And I would appreciate your honest reviews as it improve my writing

ramp_seeker · Realistic
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7 Chs

Impossible Quest

"Why" John sorrowful voice rang in his mind , one can see tears on corner of his eyes ,he didn't even saw his new parents in his new life and even didn't get proper time to spend with them and memory and now he is been informed that he had only year to live , how can he not be sad , one should now that he didn't had any parents in his previous life .

' Due to host double suicide , host life energy had been drain which led to host's shorter life span '

System emotionless voice made John more sad .

System tutorial initializing ....

System tutorial is ready!

'Did host wants to go through system tutorial ' System emotionless again rang in his host ear.

"What is there need to go these load of crap , I only have 1 year to live , I have to plan many things , I don't have time to waste on these things" he directly refused and started to plan how to

how to live a luxury and comfortable life .he started his journey of beautiful imagination from tasting all the world most delicious dishes and then he would go for a world tour and then he will make harem which would involve world wide beauties , many thoughts ran throw in his mind but what a pity as his imagination go more wild , our white Emperor had to postpone these events as he Listen to system next word .

' Host might get the chance to expand his life span , if he go through tutorial '

"System open the tutorial"John can't help but get excited at the thought of extending his life span

' System name - Fate Changing System

Motto- /!\ Host didn't have enough authority

system is divided into three parts

Death , life , skill

/!\ host doesn't have enough authority

system calculate host performance into ten ranks

/!\ host doesn't have enough authority

system has three major function

/!\ host doesn't have enough authority

"What the hell are these , if I don't have enough authority then why the fuck are you showing me these stuffs" John can not help became angry as system has no modesty, as this concern his life.

/!\ host doesn't have enough authority

"you" John face turned red by system report , you have to calm down ,you have to calm down

"Then why don't you only show the things that I have authority to know"

Data filter initiated .......

Data filter complete!

'System has three minor evaluation system

Death point , Quest point , Skill point

System has two terminal option

Stats terminal , Quest terminal'

"Hey where is the explanation and how can I increase my life span' John became anxious seeing this

"Host can use Quest point in exchange for his life span"

seeing system too specific he decided to ask himself

"How I can earn Quest point"

'Host can earn Quest point by completing the given Quest"

"What is death point"

'Host can earn by collecting his death energy or other person's death energy , it can be used for host revival "


"you means that I can be revived from death"

hahahaha by this didn't I will became immortal , John can't help became more cheerful thinking of all those things he can do by becoming immortal like ruling the world , having infinite riches and beauties as who didn't want to became immortal , having infinite life to enjoy earthly pleasure.

' host can only revive from death if he dies due artificial hindrance , host can not manipulate his cause of death.

WARNING ! host wouldn't be revived if he dies in the process of completing the Quest

host won't be revived if he have less than required amount of Quest point needed

WARNING! host can't collect the death energy of a individual whose death is not related to host

every death can only give host from 0 to 10 points on the basis of host involvement in a person's death

WARNING ! host can't directly kill a person'

John all fantasy shattered listening to all those warnings and cursed System and its eight generation

"How am I gonna be immortal with these limitation" John mummer himself and asked next question

"what is skill points?"

' skill points is used for learning a certain skill , skill point can be earn by increasing the stats in his stats bar'

' stats terminal shows host current stat and Quest terminal contain the available Quest '

"How can I improve my authority in the system "John became more and more curious about the God like system as one should know it can revive a dead by thinking about it his fat stomach can't help but tremble and his fat face can't help show gloss.

' Host can improve his authority through increasing his rank'

" How can I increase my rank" John with his expectation eyes waiting for System answer

/!\ Host doesn't have sufficient authority

"Damn you"

then the tutorial ended and two icons appear on screen

one icon is made up of human body so John thought it is stat terminal and another was made up of two criss-cross swords , John easily identified that it was Quest ternimal

With his excited expression he open the Quest bar

but after reading few sentence the became pale

'Beginner Quest ~ kill all terrorist on the plane without letting any passenger get hurt

failure of which will result in half of host life span

Reward - one random skill , random Quest points on basis of host performance , unlock o one sub terminal

time limit ~ till 11:30 am

WARNING! This Quest is mandatory failure of which result in host death'

next chapter gonna online soon

ramp_seekercreators' thoughts