
You Smell Like Flowers

It was a most familiar one. However, the weird thing was that it did not come from the two women lying about him. 

Lenny opened his eyes, leaving the Satan System, as he could not help but follow the call.

It was like a mix of songs, and that call of a caring lover, breaking its way through the dimly bright room. 

Lenny followed the calling sound. 

Cain, still trapped in chains, remained at one corner. His eyes followed lenny's movement out of curiosity. 

Cain had spent a long time in the world, and had had his own fair share of crazies. The moment he saw lenny moving, he knew that something was up, but what it was remained to be discovered. 

Lenny reached a wall, however, the call still came. In fact, it was even stronger than before. 

Slowly, he raised a hand, trying to touch the wall, and then his hand went through the wall. Instantly, Lenny was plunged into a very effectively chaotic room.