

Everyone had arrived and seated. This included the guests. however, lenny was still nowhere to be found. 

Victor was indeed worried about this. But not so worried that it would affect his state of mind and make him panic. After all, this Victor was not like the former one. 

This one had more composure. And even though his fighter was not available, it did not matter. if he had to, victor was going to go through the challenge alone. 

The Alpha Selection Tournament was divided into stages. The first stage was that of the bond and qualification. 

the second stage was this one. This particular stage involved both Fighter and Participant to go through adversities together, while the Fighter protected the Participant. 

This was a kind of bonding process for the two of them using danger as the glue. 

Those that made it to the end under a very specified time would move on to the next stage which was the battle stage.