
To Fight In The Before Truth

From the Moment Nana had given the order for her beasts to attack, it had become a struggle for life. 

Lenny had raced into the dark for his life. At the same time, many questions went through his mind. "Why? Why me? Why is all this happening to me?

First, it was with Cain and the others. And now this. Why is everyone after my life? Did I offend someone else in another LIFE!?"

This thought process, accompanied with the rush in adrenaline suddenly triggered certain memories in Lenny's head. Memories that made him pause his steps as he was frozen in shock. After all, all these memories were bloody ones. 

It was of him tearing apart limbs and body parts. It was of him spreading his dominion through fear and anarchy. 

the look in the eyes of those that had once been pronounced his prey. 

At this moment, the first beast had caught up to Lenny. this particular beast, a double headed lion launched at him to take the first bite.