
The Trap!

Just when Victor thought it was all over, a sudden red spark went up in the air and the atmosphere crackled in red lightening that snaked in the air like the roots of a tree.

As it Crackled in the air, it burnt the creatures on Curtin's body to crisp.


A small explosion that smacked Victor out of the sky was heard. 


Victor Slammed into an inclined tree, as he slid down slowly, his eyes lay upon Curtin. 

Now he understood it. When Curtin had said that he had survived in Imperilment, it was definitely not because of his power and ability. 

The air around Curtin continued to crackle as the creatures on his body were vaporized, and some others blasted away. 

Victor could feel it clear as day. The energy that surrounded Curtin's body was definitely not normal. 

Even from the distance that he stood, he could feel the sting of it on his fur and skin. 

The energy from his body felt cursed and corrupted.