
The Kids are Coming

For Lilith, it felt as though she had just awoken from a deep sleep. Confusion washed over her. "Leviathan, did you try to trick me?" she called out, but her voice only echoed into the void. No response came.

She glanced around, expecting to find either Leviathan or Athena, but they were nowhere in sight. The environment appeared unchanged, yet something was distinctly off. The air felt different, heavy yet empty, like a space between worlds.

Then she looked up.

The sky was no longer the chaotic storm of Hell. Instead, it was a swirling mass, twisting in on itself like a whirlpool. At its center, far off in the distance, black lightning cracked through the air, striking down relentlessly. Souls—countless mortal souls—descended from the sky, falling like leaves from a dying tree. Their forms crumbled and, as if swept by invisible hands, were drawn into another swirl to the side, an endless cycle of death and rebirth.