
The Hunt For Uriel

The presence of this person even before arrival made young Everbee hold on tighter to the guard carrying her. After all, this person arrived with a kind of intent so thick that the blood crystals around showed cracking sounds as if to burst open. 

She literally walked on air, showing her dominion over the forces of nature.

Her clothes, flowing behind her were emerald green, a beautiful contrast to both red of the blood crystals and the Black rough amour of the army she commanded. 

Her eyes were clear and crystal in nature, but she had a bold physic hinting at her physical prowess. She was not big and bulky, but her muscle definition was definite. 

In one hand, she had a wood staff as high as her eyes which had an emerald jewel. This emerald jewel at the tip spun continually with neither its base nor its its crown attached to any part of the staff. 

She had a head full of dark hair, braided in such a manner that it covered her ears perfectly.