
The Game Show

Meanwhile, Lenny Tales had his own troubles at hand. 

After all, right now, he was trapped in the red Sands of the Gate and things were not looking well for him. 

The red sands climbing his body, sealing him in the sands of their depth, the world, for Lenny, suddenly changed...


Slowly, Lenny opened his eyes to the bright sight of lights. These were lights of different colors. And then his view became brighter and all he could see was ....

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am your Host THE MAGISTRI..." 

There was suddenly a loud round of applause that came from all sides. 

However, Lenny had clearly heard those words. He looked up at the magistri. Truly, it was him. The magistri was in a shiny red suit and had a broad smile on his face. 

The sight of him surprised lenny. After all, lenny remembered clearly that he had killed this particular man.