
The Battle Begins 2

As Lenny hastily retreated through the portal, a burst of enraged strength propelled the Primordial Beast to unleash a searing blast of blue energy in his direction. 

Through sheer luck or perhaps a fraction of the Whistle Horn's residual magic, Lenny managed to evade the lethal onslaught. Yet, the escape didn't come without a cost.

Upon returning to the Arena, Lenny, in a swift descent, collided with the ground. An unsettling odor of roasted meat filled the air, and to his dismay, Lenny discovered the source—it was him. 

The blast from the Primordial Beast had disintegrated his left hand, leaving only charred remnants all the way to his shoulder. "Shit!" he cursed, the pain echoing in his exclamation.

However, the gravity of Lenny's personal predicament took a backseat as he surveyed the chaotic scene in the Arena.