
The arrival of a slaughter....

Before Lenny even came down the opening leading to the hall, he knew that there were gladiators waiting for him on the other side.

However, he really did not care.

Whether there were a hundred or even a thousand of them, it did not matter at all.

The only thing that mattered was the inevitable demise of the Order of Gladiators.

Lenny took his time as he walked down.

A slight smile stained the side of his lips.

He whistled his favorite song as a strong sense of murder enveloped his being.

From the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, there was a deep-seated desire to embrace the warmth of slaughter.

The moment they saw Lenny, the gladiators did not panic. In fact, those who were sitting still remained sitting.

It was their assumption that Lenny was weak.

No matter how strong he had become, it was not possible that he could take all of them. In fact, only two C-class gladiators walked forward to block his path.