
Swat the Fly in the room

"Now, now, you might all be wondering why I," Coco held a hand to his chest, Massaging the linening of his collar with his sharp Devil fingers. "The generous Boss Coco has decided to gift you these feathers. Well, it is because, believe it or not, I have no use for them. At least, no longer. Besides, I might be a Devil by nature, but I really do not desire fighting and the chaos that comes with it. In fact, one might say that I absolutely loathe it. I believe it is absolutely disgusting and repugnant."


Coco spoke with such a frown on his face that one would think that he was the Holy Father of a church condemning violence and preaching peace.


However, his next words were a total contradiction.


"Because of my hatred for violence, I will give this box," he said, patting the box a little, to one person and one person only.


He looked at Lenny and the other two.


A wide grin revealing his uneven Devil dental.