
Suicide of a Great Demon Powerhouse

Instantly, Lenny got an Alert from The Satan System.

<Massive light Magic detected. energy rising to critical might. Primordial beast is about commit suicide>

Those words took Lenny by surprise. He could see the look on the faces of all the Great Demon Powerhouses. Surely, they were all aware of the suicidal tendencies of the primordial beast. 

At this time, lenny suddenly heard a whisper in his ears. It had come from the Primordial beast. Those words made his eyes glow with intelligence. 

He could not believe that even though the primordial beast wante dto kill him only moments ago, it was revealing such a secret to him. This was most likely in an attempt not to lose it all.

For the primordial Beast, it rather sided with Lenny than allow the Great demons do as they desired.

Lenny understood this. With a determination from deep within his soul, Lenny decided to also use one of his Aces. After all, this was a great opportunity.