
Soul Path Of Cultivation

The Village head invited Lenny into a room where they sat and talked. Lenny explained how he had no memory of who he was and the last thing he remembered was falling from the sky. 

His words had made the village chief raise a brow, but she immediately hid it. Lenny also explained that he had been pursued by Nana the hunter, intentionally skipping the part that the rebels had tried to sell him off at the pig market. He added that Mupstick and Venir had saved his life, and saving Venir was just him repaying the favor.

The village head turned to mupstick with anger in her eyes. Obviously, she was not aware of this. Besides, the name of the Hunter was one that would strike fear in the heart of any person. Even now, she could not help but feel that it was a miracle that lenny had escaped with his life.