
Quick Question!

All of a sudden, a porcelain hand appeared around the mutated human's neck.

This had taken everyone by surprise.

But all of a sudden, there was a fierce pull, and before Moses's eyes, Lenny tore out the head of the mutated human.

Essentially, he ripped it off from the rest of the body, right from the neck, as if it were not a person but a piece of fabric.

Moses had watched as the skin stretched and then tore out with the muscles.

Lenny's pull had been so vicious that he did not only pull out the neck but also the spine with it.

This was an injury that not even this mutated human could heal from.

Blood and human innards were splattered all over Moses's body.

It was as flooding as one would imagine, but all that blood pouring on his face came with intense relief.

For a moment, Moses could not help but remain lying, where he was breathing heavily.

The corpse of the mutated human lay on him, lifeless.