
Power Of A Lust Demon

The Baroness, excited about Lenny's enthusiasm to conquer her immediately jumped on his body, pushing him to the ground. 

The moment she did this, she leaned in, sinking her tongue into his lips. Her tongue went in like a commander laying seige to a stubborn fortress.

Lenny did not resist. However, every moment of this experience was one that he would never forget for the rest of his life. In fact, It was one that would forever make him look at sexual intercourse in an entirely different light. After all, the body of a lust demon was an entirely different taste of heaven. 

First was the taste of her saliva. It literally tasted like thick milky honey. Instinctively, his senses wanted to take in more of her. At the same time, the smell of her skin was a potent mixture of strong perfume and pheromones that excited every part of his being.