
Playing God

With Lenny's knowledge of master Lucian's strength, he could have actually challenged the other masters. 

However, he did not. And when Lenny had asked him, Master Lucian said, "Every piece on the Chess baord can be sacrificed, even the powerful queen. One must know how to play the part of the lonely pawn when he is a pawn. Else, he rebels and be sacrificed too early in the game. 

When he has developed enough strength to stand on his own, he drop from the board, and join the players..."

Right now, Lenny understood those words like never before. they resonated deep within him, and he could tell their every significance. 

After all, he had grinded and worked so hard and was now a Great Demon existence, but that was only the tip of the ice, and he knew it.

He had met the Sister's of fate, and those three literally lived outside the directorate of fate itself.