
One Ace Down

"Anguis, listen to my words! I command you!" 

Even though Lenny said this, they did not stop their attacks. instead, he heard a faint whisper in his mind from the snakes, "accept you... funny maggot. we acknowledge you not?" 

Lenny frowned even more. This was what he was trying to avoid. he knew that something like this might happen. 

The worse part of it was that the more these snakes destroyed and caused chaos, the stronger he could feel their power grow. It was like they fed on sheer anarchy.

"Fuck It!" lenny cursed as he activated yet another gift he had acquired from Vandora. 

One of Lenny's eyes suddenly changed color to a shinning gold.


The moment the living eye made its appearance, the earth crackled with the strong smell of Pride. Even though Lenny was in the air, the earth literally cracked open as if to beg before the lord of pride for mercy.