
Old Monsters Of Mind And Power

At different parts of the earth, those of power turned towards this direction. 

This included Cuban, and even Baroness Everbee. The baroness frowned, "those old bastards! I knew they were interested in the eighth earth, but who could have thought that this was their plan to come back?"

She chuckled, if they are successful, it will be a very fucked up problem for us." Instantly, she made cuts on her skin, and her blood rushed out of her body and out from the wandering City of Judas, through the void and into the eighth earth. 

As the purple energy surged and the atmosphere crackled with the immense power of the Cosmic Law, Lenny braced himself for what was to come. The transformation happening before his eyes was beyond anything he had ever witnessed. The merged Invitation Stones, now fused with the giant purple stone, unleashed a force that was reshaping reality itself.