
Mother's Love

Lady vinegar heard the words Durgia had spoken and she was speechless. 

Such detailed plans, could only mean that she herself was just a piece used in the grand scheme of things. 

Meaning that at the end of the day, she was just another tool in the eyes of this Witch mother. The weird part was that she absolutrely knew the part she was playing in the grand scheme of things. 

She now knew why the witches here had tolerated her existence as demon born. It was because of her bond with the boy. 

meaning that when they required to use him as a weapon, they would hurt her and have his emotions run rampant. 

However, lady vinegar fancied herself a smart woman. She could not help but think into the future, 'what will happen when I am no longer needed?' she thought to herself. 

After all, if every time she got injured and Luca cried, there will surely come a time when he would get used to the sight and tears will fall no more.