
Morgana's Way

Lenny himself could not believe it, but he could tell that she would be a good fit. firstly, she had a crazy undying love for him, and secondly, she was once a Gladiator. 

There was also the fact that she had very unique skills. He suddenly spoke up, "Morgana, will you live for me?" 

The question had popped up so suddenly from nowhere.

She froze a bit. However, her eyes brightened up as she nodded enthusiastically.

"Good! That will do."

"Huh!?" Moranda was perplexed. "Wait, she cannot be your kin. She is my slave... my blood is in..."

"Exactly why I want her."

"Well, you can't have her!" Moranda's head in an abominable manner suddenly turned 180 degrees to the back.

His mouth opened up, and an eye appeared where his tongue was supposed to be.

An eerie red light shone in her direction. Instantly, Morgana felt her heart stop.