
Misunderstandings 3

This was a forest region.


Meaning that a good part of the land was moist because of the humidity, as is common in tropical regions.


Perseus, in his anger, suddenly jumped high into the air.


As he did, Electricity crackled wildly about his fingers.


When he passed, so did his hands. His fingers dug into the ground, and a strong bolt of electricity was forced out.


His aim was for it to hurt Hector, the person who had hurt him. However, gladiators were not taught physics and its basic principles.


In fact, their knowledge of the world was very limited, and basically, all they knew was to fight for survival.


To them, the person with the biggest fist could have the most unrestrained of desires.


It was a very simple world.


For a person like that to possess an ability like that of Perseus was essentially like handing over a big hammer to a toddler to handle.