
Meeting old fans...

Lenny was led back to the E class after his meeting with the magistri.

He had wanted to cause total destruction, but unfortunately, things did not happen like he wanted them to.

Then again, who could have thought that the Arena had such profound secrets?

This place was just a farm for breeding formidable warriors for demon battles and wars.

Lenny knew that the promise of freedom was always an illusion.

However, he had only thought that they would be taken for food once they were free.

He never knew that things were far more critical than that.

The gladiators that won the Arena lost their hearts to slave away for all eternity.

Now that he thought about it, it was a good thing that he sort of killed the magistri from the very beginning.

However, he had concluded that all he needed to do was destroy the Order of Gladiators for his revenge, kill the magistri, and then kill every other demon in charge of this hell hole.