
Lenny Travels To Purgatory

The day finally came. 

The portal was made, ready and set. Because of the nature of things on Earth, only a very few people were allowed the knowledge that Lenny was about to leave Earth. After all, it was a very sensitive topic. 

Even those that engaged in the building of the portal were not allowed such sensitive information. 

The only person that had knowledge of it was none other than his family members. 

However, because of the ethereal nature of entities, this information that they thought to be a secret was not so much a secret. 

The portal was built deep within the earth of the territory. This was a carven, but the stalactites and the Stalactites had been cleared out. The environment made to be workable.

The carven had been divided into two. The Portal was below while those that wished to observe had a spot above.