
How do we kill the Chimera Queen!?


The chimera colony had a rumble like it had never had before.

Everything and everyone were searching for Lenny.

It was even worse than before. After all, he had even been inside the Queen's chambers but somehow managed to escape.

It was like pulling a piece of juicy meat right from the jaws of a hungry dog.

Naturally, things were not going to end well.

However, no matter how hard they searched, they just couldn't find Lenny.

Lenny had managed to hide himself in a corner where even the Queen would not find him.

But unlike what the queen thought, Lenny did not go far. At least not for the first four days. He had hidden well in a cave not so far from the royal chamber.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is usually the safest. 

After a while, the chaos within the chimera colony subsided a bit.

It was during this time that Lenny silently and slowly made his way towards the agreed-upon point of meeting.