
Glorious Slaughter

"Hmmm! How long do we have to continue with this damn curfew?" One Demon asked another.

The demon that was asked did not have a mouth like that of a human, but rather that of a fly. Nevertheless, it looked intelligent.

It pointed to luca's territory in the distance, with one of its insect like wings. 

The demon that asked nodded in understanding.

Before these demons was a little fire place that had been made. On it was a human corpse that had a bamboo inserted from the nether region through the mouth.

Even though a good part of the human meat was burnt silly, and the eyes melted off, one could still see the suffering on the face. 

Surely, Whatever led to the death must have been a divinely painful experience.

The one that had asked was a reptilian looking demon. With a lanking force, it tore out the human's hand as he bit into the meat.