
Father and Son

"I only came back a few years later. 

By then, you were already four years old. 

And I know what you are going to say. Why did I not just kill you back then?

The simple answer is that I couldn't. Even though I really wanted to, I couldn't do it. That person would not just let me do it. 

Just like he had protected him when I was little, you had also caught his eyes and his fucking presence was strong with you." Agent 'X' shook his head.

"At first, I thought maybe you would be difference. After all, you did not show any of the tendencies that I and my father had displayed at such a young age.

In fact, you did not display any wrong like any that had come before you. 

Of course, it was not until that day when your mother called to tell me that you had killed a mailman in your neighbors house.