
Devil Slave (Satan system)

{Warning: Mature content} The World called me an abomination, a freak of nature, a stain from my mother's legs. Even after righting their wrongs with my blade, it was still the same. However, in the midst of my despair, one person reached out his warm hand for me. Lucifer Morningstar. Even though he is the Devil spoken of in Legends, I shall take the leap of faith and do his bidding. To take breath in reincarnation in another world and Slaughter my foes: Demons, Angels, Devils, gods, and everything I consider EVIL in my PATH Don't get me wrong, my blade is a respecter of neither man nor beast. All that stand in my way shall FALL to the recreation of a world in the image I see fit. ............ If you want to know how sick this book is, read the first chapter. I still don't know how the idea for this book came out of my head. (Heaven! please forgive me) ..... Demons, Devils, Fallen Angels, Angels, Soul Eaters, Cursers, Witches, Dark elves, Hell beasts, Heaven Beasts, Death Beasts... Practically, Every sick, both rosy and terrible thing of the underworld will be found in this book. My research is deep. (Note: Sick Shit happens here. If you don't have stomach for it, please run. You still have time.)

Dere_Isaac · Fantasy
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1122 Chs

Descendant Of Solomon's Power

The ship glided silently through the expanse of space, its sleek, meteorite-like exterior seamlessly blending into the void. 

As it neared its destination, the view shifted to reveal a world shrouded in noxious, swirling clouds of poisonous gas. The atmosphere was so thick and vile that it gave the planet an appearance of rot and decay, even from the cold distance of space. The greenish-yellow haze enveloped the globe like a festering wound, emitting a sickly glow that pulsed ominously.

This was Semi-Plane at the edge of the Gluttony Royal Family. 

Breaking through the murky atmosphere, the ship descended, its camouflage shimmering away to reveal its true form: an ancient, living vessel, its surface covered in arcane runes that pulsed with dark energy. 

This was the last of its kind, carrying a cargo of vengeance-bound witches.