
Death's Betrothed

"Of course they have been one or two foolish people that have been unfortunate enough to try and explore the Negative realms. None of them have been able to make it back.

For those that have souls, it is essentially a one way trip." Vine clearly stated.

Lenny thought about Vine's words carefully.

He remembered that time when he tried to look for the heart of a dead Nether creature in an attempt to absorb it.

He wanted to take it's power for himself, but then he noticed that the creature did not have a heart.

And without a heart, he could not take it's blood essence.

Also, creatures of the Nether did not bleed normal blood.

There's was black and cold. It was like touching the waters of an almost frozen pond.

Now, Vine was telling him that none that had gone there had ever survived. 

At least, according to the records, that was true.

Lenny could not help but remember that he had sent Ella into the Nether.