
Curse Of Our Bloodline

Still whispering, Lenny answered him, "My son. Where is he?" 

Father black's eyes shut open. After all, that information was a very classified one. Not even the other council members at the table knew of this, and yet, this was the first thing Lenny asked for on entering the territory.

Father Black looked at Lenny in the eyes. he sighed a bit. he had really wanted to keep this matter a secret and for a long time too. But he was a smart man and knew that he could not lie to Lenny.

"Come with me!" He spoke up and Lenny followed behind him. 

As he did, Minnie followed after him. Her brows frowned a little. She had her own plans in mind. 

Clawed could not enter the territory because it was a witch's territory and he was a pure breed Demon unlike his sister Vinegar that could force her way in because of her heritage. 

Victor also did not go with them, staying behind because he was needed.