
Cuban Arrives

Lenny patted the Hell beast.


It had been in captivity for so long that it had become weakened.


On top of that, from the way it communicated, Lenny could tell that it was a youngling.


He couldn't help but think of how Incredible this was.


This thing was a youngling that had been imprisoned for tens of years and was weakened.


Yet, it was able to give such an incredible blast, and this was a creature that was considered a rank 1 hell beast.


He could not imagine what a rank 2 or 3 beast could do.


In fact, he could not imagine the incredible things that a rank 9 Hell beast could do.


He was already pumped up just thinking about it.


Lenny patted it, "Don't worry, buddy. It's going to be alright."


Just then, the familiar sound of an approaching Aircraft was heard.


And then came the loud scream of his name.