
Crescent Like a Smile

Regardless of his cursing, Perseus still managed to dive out of the way of the attack.


However, at rank 1, the lesser demon, his strength was nothing compared to that of a mutated creature with the rank of the deep demon.


He was only able to avoid certain death by moving his head in time as he dove out of the way.


In this manner, he managed to preserve his own life. But the tendril drilled into the side of his abdomen, fetching a good chunk of flesh as it protruded from the other side.


"Fuck!" Perseus cursed again.


However, he knew that if he remained in his current position, death was definitely going to reach him.


He quickly rolled out of the way, hiding behind the wreckage of a ship.


The mutated octopus's flexible limbs were relentless in their pursuit, trying again and again to get to him.