
Calcium Of Kalu

As far Enel had known, at least back in his first life, religion and the promise it preached had always been an influencer of mortal lives and comprehension, dictating how they lived their lives, acting as laws in their society and even better, it governed their ideas and n certain cases, narrowed it. 

It was surprising to actually see that it was not just human beings that were being led in such a manner or fashion. 

Enel sighed at this. After all, once upon a time, he too had been of a kind of religion. However, his had been self inflicted. It had been his incredible belief in the morningstar and the good atht the morningstar was willing to share with th rest of the world. 

After what happened the lastr time and he lost his life, he had come to understand that 'Belief' was sometimes the tool. Although even he could not lie that it was an effective tool. The heights that he had reached in hi s previous life was proof of that.