
Battle of the ladies

"You are late!" A voice echoed the moment he stepped out of the Portal.

lenny was back into Imperilment. 

It took a while for his body to adapt to the atmosphere of the place. After all, he was at the thresh hold of strength that was allowed in this sub plane. 

Any more and he would start to break space and time. It would be like a baby who was too big for its mother's stomach, slowly ripping it apart to survive. 

That was how it was. 

For the sub plane to allow those that were of a higher power to settle within it, it must experience the growth of its own indigene. 

The weight was a different kind of pull from the type he had felt from tundra that had gravity capable oof smashing a person like egg to a stone.

His lungs found it heavy to accept air in this place but he quickly and surely regulated his breathing. 

When Lenny raised his head, he found that the Elder Isiah was standing in front of him.