
An Obvious Trap

As Lenny and the Old Elf continued to work on the boxes, solving the puzzles, they easily found that it was not all like they thought it was. 

For example, not more than ten boxes could be opened at once, else all the boxes would close up, go back to their previous setting and then even worse, reshuffle themselves at extreme speed within the room. 

This particular thing happened three times, already and Lenny and the old Elf had already decided to forget about the possible benefit and just leave the place for the next room, but that was when the old man managed to open up a box and then, in front of him were runes of a many kinds, all bunched up together in a delicate balance, as if to command and control, direct and lead.

"Law!" the Old Elf thought to himself. law fragments were a mystery of nature. They were everywhere, commanding and controlling everything in existence, yet they were nowhere.