
Abominable conversation.

Lenny was not at all dull. He understood at a foundational level, how human beings and their thought processes worked.

In this place, humans were allowed to talk about fantasy stories of freedom and acquiring it. However, this was only allowed because, at a basic level, it pushed them to desire strength and buy out their freedom. Lenny was smart enough to understand that this was probably not true freedom.

The only person that had ever achieved such a level of freedom in the history of this coliseum was the Magistri, and he ended up becoming a demon.

Most gladiators were just too dumb to think about such matters, and they were also too preoccupied with survival and the little pleasures of their numbered lives to bother exploring things for themselves. Their daily routines were very strict, mostly occupied with training, sleeping, fighting, eating, and sexual pleasure. There was no room for ideals.

That was just the way things were around this place.

It was designed in such a way that the gladiators did not have the privilege to be ideal for even a second.

As the saying went in Lenny's former world, "An ideal mind is the devil's workshop." Then again, how could it not be? When human beings are not occupied, that energy goes somewhere else. For many people, it was their brain.

From the way E7007 talked about this freedom and the fact that no one else was here but them, Lenny knew for certain that he was not talking about climbing to the top and acquiring this said freedom.

This was why he frowned. But just to be sure, he asked, "What exactly are you asking me, E7007?"

E7007 came closer and placed a hand on Lenny's shoulder. "E999! I've been watching you. I saw your fight when you first arrived, and I saw what you did to E444's face. And there was also the issue with the Rite of Passage, not to even mention the one with the Cerberus." E7007 looked to Pocket for confirmation, and Pocket nodded his head to him.

"I know that you are a rebel at heart. You are not one to conform to the rules of this place. I, myself, do not like such caging rules. I wish to go out and see the real world and see," he turned to Pocket, "a tree!"

Lenny's brows furrowed deeper as E7007 continued talking. Without a second guess, he could tell that he was being recruited, and this went beyond the usual recruitment that made him a part of the Nameless crew. This time around, it was something deeper. From his conversation with E701, Lenny got to learn that in the past, they were those that allowed stories of the outside world to fill their brains and had attempted a rebellion. Their endings were as colourful as the toilet after a man with diarrhoea had used it. None of them had happy endings.

To make sure such things did not continually try to repeat themselves, the demons, in their benevolence, ensured that the other gladiators watched as the victims survived the gruesome experience of their seven days of torture as they begged for death continually.

They ensured that even after skinning them and using their skin to feed them throughout the process of the seven days, they still remained alive.

Mentally and spiritually, many of the victims were already dead before their physical form also died.

There were levels of pain. Even though these gladiators suffered a lot, it was nothing compared to what they would face if word of such escaping conversations were to go out.

And yet, here they were talking about it.

It was true that Lenny was not one who conformed to the rules, and he never liked cages. But that did not mean that he wanted to escape this place.

He might not look like it, but this was truly his second day in the place. And truth be told, he was really loving the gruesome atmosphere here.

Although he appeared calm and composed now, he was not. He was still getting the feel of the place. He was not yet familiar with the environment in full and was still exploring the benefits that the Satanic system could offer him.


Just to go to the outside world and see what a damn tree looks like?

Lenny really held on to the urge to smack these two buffoons in the face.

"E7007! You are aware that even thinking about escaping this place is a crime right? And the demons even give out rewards for information to those who want to escape."

As Lenny spoke, Pocket stood to his feet and slowly walked to Lenny's back. He had his hands behind his back.

Lenny might have been talking to E7007 but all the while, he also had his eyes on Pocket. He was not so dumb as to believe that they were trustworthy.

He had seen as the bald man had picked up a stone and hid it behind his back.

E7007 arched his brows and asked, "What exactly are you saying?" His hand on Lenny's shoulder slightly tightened.

The place was cool, and the river even allowed the environment here to be soothing. However, the atmosphere between the men was something else.

It was unnecessarily suffocating.

Lenny suddenly smiled and said, "I hope you have not told any other person. I don't want to be in a team of cowards."

Hearing this, E7007 burst into a haughty laugh.

"Good! Good! I knew from the moment I met you that you would be interested in this proposal."

Pocket also burst into a laugh.

However, Lenny could hear the sound of a big stone falling into the river behind him.

There was no doubt about it. These men were planning to put him off for good if he had not agreed with them.

It was either a yes or an 'accidental' death.

It won't be the first time that someone died in this river, and it certainly won't be the last.

E7007 pulled Lenny into an embrace in laughter.

As he did, he did not notice the slight smile at the corner of Lenny's lips.

This was the smile of a mad man...