
Devil Revenge-Eng sub

In ancient times, there was a big war between Satan and the upper world, the war was won by the upper world, after its defeat, Satan was looked down upon by both the upper world and the earthly world. Many years later, there lived a child named Yamada Shirou, he was a demon. When he was little, Shirou was always teased and bullied. One day, his demonic power awakened and made Shirou lose control. Because he couldn't control his strength, his demonic aura came out in a big way. When the world above found out about this, they rushed to earth to catch Shirou, finally Shirou was caught. However, when in the upper world, Shirou managed to escape, he was chased by those above. Shirou didn't know where to run anymore, in the end, Shirou trained himself to become strong and avenge his revenge. And so begins Shirou's journey to make the Devil race no longer looked down upon.

Padvell · Fantasy
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5 Chs


While being carried to the upper world, Shirou, who was fainting at that time, saw at a glance that he was being carried by the three angels who had defeated him at the speed of light to the upper world.

ín upper world.

"Put him on jail!"

"Yes sir!"

Slowly waking up from fainting, Shirou was confused about where he was. Then he remembered the incident when he fought the three angels. Shirou remembered when the Angel leader told his subordinates to take him to the upper world. Shirou, who didn't know anything about the world above, didn't know what to do.

Shirou tried to get out of bed, only to realize that he was in prison.

Shirou then looked out of his cell. When he saw there were guards, Shirou asked.

"Excuse me sir, do you know why I was sent to prison?" Shirou asked. The guard turned to him. Suddenly, the guard pushed Shirou with a spear, which made Shirou hit the wall.

"Shut up! You disgusting creature!" The guard said to Shirou. Shirou was increasingly confused. From the start, in Shirou's mind, he always asked why everyone hated the Demon race. In this modern era, the Demon race had forgotten what happened to their predecessors, but not in the upper world, they would always remember it. Shirou finally decided to be quiet, and waited for his orders while sitting on the floor, then he fell asleep.

A few hours later. When Shirou was sleeping.

"Hey! you! wake up!" Order the guard. But Shirou didn't react in any way.

"WAKE UP! YOU ASSHOLE!" Said the guard while kicking Shirou's chest. Shirou finally woke up in pain. Then he was taken to who knows where. When they arrived, it turned out that Shirou was being taken to court. He was ordered to stand in front of the Judge. Various races in the upper world watched the trial.

"Okay, then we will start this trial, everyone please be quiet." Said the Judge. Everyone present in court was silent.

"First, can you tell me your name?" The judge asked Shirou.

"My name is Shirou, Yamada Shirou." Shirou answered.

"Okay then Mr. Yamada, as stated here, you caused trouble, and caused the 2 Angels over there to be seriously injured, is that true?" asked the judge.

"Wait a minute, it's true that I was the one who hurt them both, but it was them who started it first!" Shirou answered.

"Is that true? Mr. Hamada?" Hakim asked the injured Angel.

"Lies! He lied! I talked nicely with him, but suddenly he attacked me, and caused both of my hands to be disabled," answered the angel. The audience who heard it also supported him.





Said the audience. Shirou also lost his voice, and he was cornered.

"Lying? What they mean?" Said Shirou.

At that adverse situation, suddenly an angel came from the entrance.

"I can explain it." Said the angel.

When Shirou saw it, he was shocked.

"Isn't that my classmate?! If I'm not mistaken his name is Ken Tadashi." Shirou said in his heart.

"I saw with my own eyes, it was you Angels who attacked first!" Ken said.

"That's because this Devil wants to escape!" The angel answered while panicking.

The debate continued for a long time, and in the end .

"That's enough! How about we vote? The one with the most votes is right." Said the judge.

"Shouldn't the judge decide who is right and wrong?" Shirou said in his heart.

In this outnumbered situation, there was no way Shirou could win. However, with courage, Ken accepted the offer.

"Don't worry, I have a plan" Ken whispered to Shirou.