
Chapter 19

Don't be bored and boring because of the little things you do today. If you look back in three or two years, you will find that a small step today is absolutely worthless.

Ling smiled and looked at it with tears... I saw a man walking calmly toward this side, walking between the cool lips gently.

The light and shadow behind him reflected, she could not see the man's entire face, just a feeling, his arrival, as if the air gradually condensed together, a cold atmosphere surrounded by.

Long Yu Che stood in front of Ling smile, gently waved his hand, and the black man retired with respect. He looked at the tearful eyes in the light and indifferent. He reached out and took out the phone and handed it to her. She still sees her. When I was there, I slowly said, "Is it not to call?"

His voice was low and steady. In this empty corridor, it seemed to have charm, so Ling smile suddenly replied, and suddenly he nodded. After taking the phone, he entered the house, and closed the door reflectively. All the movements. Just instinct.

Until the door was closed at the "咔哒", Ling smile was suddenly shocked, completely returned to the gods, and the thoughts turned around, and it was inevitable that there would be people who could give such a great sense of force. !

Thinking, Ling smiled at the phone, full of signals, looking at his own... There is still no signal, and it is inevitable. What a ghost place, not a secret base, but also shield foreign phone signals! Ling smiled secretly and groaned, and dialed the number, just thought, the phone was picked up...

[Smile, is it a smile? Smile, where are you? Why didn't you come back... I and my mom are worried about you... The second mom went out to find you, and hasn't come back yet! ]

"I am..." Ling smiled and listened to the wheat squatting and asked a few words. He was very tight in his heart and said: "Smile and laugh, there are some things to deal with. I have to wait until I can go back. You have to swear, remember to take medicine. ?"

[Well, the wheat has a sputum to take medicine, smile and quickly finish it back! ]

"Well!" Ling smiled and looked at the closed door. Then he said, "You call the second mom and say that I will go back later. Well, I can't talk too long here, hang up first!"

After that, Ling smiled and hung up the phone. The worried heart was slowly put down at this moment. It was only an instant. Suddenly remembered, the person who lends her phone is still outside the door...

Long Yu Che is quietly standing outside the door, the shadow quietly squinting, can not help but look at the closed door, the heart confessed: this woman turned out the Lord is outside the ...

Thinking, the door was opened.

Ling smiled a little embarrassed and licked his lips. At this time, he had time to look at the people in front of him, the outline of the handsome, the sharp dawn, the thin lips with a chill of alienation, the faint tobacco lingering on his body. In the breath, people are inevitably confused.

"Thank you..." Ling smiled and said something, handed the phone, and the light swept over the dragonfly on the chest of the dragon, only when she was waiting to realize something, the darkness of the year. "Z" has no meaning at all. As long as it is a staff member of Feiyue Media, there will be such a flower.

Thinking, Ling smile can not help but secretly laugh at himself. Even now, let her know who the person was in that year.

Ask him... isn't he responsible for her? Why don't you see people after eating and wiping...

Does she really need him to be responsible?

Ling smiled and laughed, her life does not need to be responsible for others!

Long Yu Che looked at the ingenious look of the person in front of her, she was completely caught in her own thoughts, from the moment to the moment, he has always ignored him thoroughly.

He quietly looked at Ling smile, about 165 height, thin body like a wind blows away, white face has delicate facial features, a pair of big eyes as if to speak, all look Reflected on the top...

So close to her, the fragrant scent of her body sneaked into the nose... This ordinary soapy fragrance gave him a familiar feeling, as if the memory was about to be forgotten.

"In order to thank you for saving me, I will thank you in person!" Long Xiaoqi said slowly.

His voice is slow and steady and magnetic, just like a deep cello, forced... but addictive!

Ling smile suddenly pulled back his thoughts, and he shook his head in disappointment, covering up the pain in his heart, laughing and questioning, saying: "Hey? You mean the man in a wheelchair?"

Long Yu is slightly dagger.

Ling smiled at the sight and shook his head and said: "That kind of situation... probably everyone will do it!"

"Oh?" Long Yu Che whispered and immediately asked, "Are you not afraid?"

Thinking of last night's scene, Ling smiled and couldn't help but fight a cold war. Some smiled and said: "Not afraid... It's a lie! But if you don't do it, I think I will regret it later!"

Long Xiao Che heard, the lips slightly raised a faint curvature, then calmly said: "A request, no matter what!"

Ling smiled and shook his head and said: "Let me leave!"

"On this request?" Long Yu Che apparently stunned and reminded: "As long as you propose, even if you want an island, I will satisfy you!"

The meaning of the words, the money can solve things, he can satisfy her.

Ling smiled and shrugged and looked at the black man who was still at the end of the corridor. He said, "The only requirement I have at this time is... leave!"

Long Yu's scorpion squatted slightly and said: "Dark, send someone to send her back to T City!"

Finished, turned and left, leaving only a touch of tobacco in the air...

T city, wind and snow.

The top floor office is dark and confusing. Muzi was sitting on the chair lazily, his feet on the desk, and looking at the picture on the front display.

At this time, Wang Ruoxue pushed the door and came in. First, he looked at his eyes, and then the glamorous light moved to the screen. His arms were helpless on his chest and said: "You seem to care too much about her recently... this Does not match your temper! Muzi pulled back to the dawn, and the lips were still the cynicism. He pressed the remote control and the picture was fixed on a man's body. Then he said faintly: "I don't want to see him here!"

Wang Ruoxue twisted his eyebrows and turned his eyes helplessly. He said, "That can't be done! In the snowy season, as long as the money is spent... there is no reason to refuse the door."

When Muzi heard it, he turned his eyes and wondered: "It seems... I am the boss!"

"I didn't say that you are not the boss!" Wang Ruoxue sat down in the opposite direction of Muzi, and took the cigarette. He sucked his mouth and spit out the enchanting smoke circle before he asked: "Give me a reason!"

"I don't think he is pleasing to the eye..." Muzi licked his lower lip and said proudly.

"Oh?" Wang Ruoxue scorned, and the body couldn't help but lean forward. The smoke in his mouth spit out in a timely manner, and the glare looked sharply at Muzi, and asked coldly: "Are you feeling affection for Nini?"

Some things are involuntary, especially love! If it comes quietly, I won't choose to escape...

Wang Ruoxue couldn't help but lean forward, the smoke in his mouth spit out at the right time, and the glare looked sharply at Muzi, and asked coldly: "I see... Are you feeling affection for Nini?"

Muzi's lips were more and more full of smiles. His hands supported each other on the innocent lips. He gently pointed at him. Looking at the cold and charming Wang Ruoxue, he said: "If...I Say yes?!"

Wang Ruoxue twisted his brow and slowly lifted his body. His hand plucked down the hair that drooped down. He said lazily: "The cynical in the circle, the little heart of the flower actually likes a person who wanders on the edge of the dust... I so surprised!"

Listening to her description of Ling smile, Mu Zi could not help but frown, and said, "Is there anyone who stipulates that I can't like the dusty woman?"

"No one has prescribed it!" Wang Ruoxue said leisurely, the twilight flickering with the ashes, and then said: "But Longye will not let such people enter the door!"

When Muzi heard it, the brow lock was tighter, and the foot on the table was taken back. The disdain snorted and said coldly: "If love comes, no one can stop it, and I will not escape!"

As said, the man stood up and said proudly: "In any case, I am never a obedient son in his eyes..." Wang Ruoxue was uplifted, just to meet the dawn of Mu Zi, rebellious and mad, he was only twenty-four years old, if placed in a normal family, this age should be the most conceited age? !

"Sister Wang, I left Long Island, I just don't want to always fight against him. Can you still give me some cleanliness?" After that, Muzi shunned the desk and wanted to leave.

"Even if she has a daughter, can you still determine your feelings for her?"

Behind him, Wang Ruoxue's gentle voice came, and Muzi's feet stagnate, and suddenly turned to look at her, wrinkled his brow and asked, "What do you mean?"

Wang Ruoxue slowly got up and said as he walked: "Do you know why I accepted her?"

Mu Zizhen did not answer, just waiting for her to continue.

"Her daughter got leukemia, and she urgently needs money!" Wang Ruoxue said, and a sorrow flashed in the enchanting voice.

Mu Zikai put away the evil spirits in his mouth and went forward to Wang Ruoxue. He could feel that the body of the person in his arms was shaking slightly.

Wang Ruoxue is not a sympathetic woman. It can be said that it is a jealous woman. I have already suspected that people like Ling smile are not suitable for doing in the wind and snow. Why she will accept her, but it is... smile Let her recall her own self!

"If she only aroused your interest for a while, please don't mess with her, the woman's heart is really fragile!" Wang Ruoxue said, tears can not help but slip away without warning.

Muzi squatted her lower lip and raised Wang Ruoxue. She gently wiped the tears on her cheeks and said, "Don't compare me to anyone, do you know?!"

After that, the hand stagnation, turned and left, leaving only Wang Ruoxue alone in the silence of the silence...

If she was not the man in the past, her daughter would not live for two more years, but also because of him... her life was completely subverted!

Ling smiled gently touching the face of the wheat, watching her sleepy, and my heart was gratified.

Shui Yao looked tired on the table, tired for a night, and then went around to find Ling smile, suddenly received a phone call from wheat and rushed back, but no one can not feel at ease, plus wheat stubborn I had to wait until she came back to go to sleep, but it was dragged to noon.

"So tired, why don't you go to sleep?" Ling smiled helplessly as he looked at the watery squatting on the table. There was a warm airflow in his heart. For many years, if it wasn't for Shui Yao's silent support, how many times? She feels that she is going to stay up.

Shui Yao's powerless eyes narrowed his eyes and said with a weak voice: "Where did you go in the night? Even if there is something, you have to make a phone call first. Don't you know that wheat will not sleep if you can't wait for your call?"

Ling smiled and looked at the lovable childishness of the wheat, and his heart gradually became sour. When he remembered coming back, he was called by the dark man...

For your safety, it is best not to say anything yesterday.

Recalling the cold words, Ling smiled and secretly stunned, and could not help but lick his lips.

"Hey, ask what you are saying, what the hell are you doing?" Shui Yao asked without anger.

Ling smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said: "Nothing, there are things to deal with!"

When Shui Yao heard it, he suddenly got up. He looked up and down and smiled. He was half-sounding, and he said, "Smile, you won't... really come out?"

As he said, the person stood up and said eagerly: "I can tell you that you are a daughter now. If you do things without considering yourself, you should also consider..."

"What are you talking about?!" Ling smiled and squinted, and said coldly: "Now we have two earned money, and it is enough to buy medicine for wheat temporarily. How can I do that kind of thing!"

"Is that enough? If there is a suitable bone marrow... Are you going to sell yourself?" asked Shui Yao.

Ling smiled and couldn't answer for a long time.

Shui Yao looked at her, but turned her eyes helplessly, and said: "I can tell you, you are not allowed to have such an idea, no one is allowed! Just step out of the edge of the door... ...you have really been ruined in this life. Even if the disease of wheat is optimistic, how can you let her be a man in the future?"

"Do not worry, I will not!" Ling smiled and sighed, looking at the bedside table, said: "If it is really forced to do so..."

Ling smiled and opened the drawer before the body, took out a very old box, slowly opened it, looked at the necklace inside, and said: "If it is really the day, I will sell it!"

"That was what your mother left for you..."

Ling smiled to cover his heart sour, secretly took a breath, and smiled a lot. It seemed to be indifferent: "If it is really worth the money as the mother said, the cost of surgery after wheat will not be lost!"

Say, take out the necklace in the box, and look down at the pendant on the necklace. It is a very strange stone that will change color according to body temperature.

Maybe it's not going to belong to her anymore, let her mother's breath stay with her!

T-mountain Longjia Mansion, covering an area of ​​Wanping, surrounded by lush greenery, in the middle of the front and back garden is a retro-style house, the sun is shining, solemn and mysterious.

Long Hao was sitting in the garden with his legs crossed, and his hand gently flipped through the shadows. He just sorted out the information about Feiyang Media's acquisition of the Sun Island venting case. Suddenly, his hand was gently stagnation, and the eagle looked at the person on the photo. I can't help but scream, "Is she?!"