
Devil of Vengeance

Are the people around you human or devil? They may appear human but are they? Are you a human or a devil? It is a world where you cannot even trust yourself let alone others. Astolfo is the higher ups lackey. Everyone in the top brass favours her. Well not everyone. But she got infamous after the tragedy 9 years ago. Always bearing that grin on her face. Polite and elegant. Smart in tough situation. Strong enough and caring. But she's strange. Is she a human? Or a devil?

Akira_Kei_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs


November, 1980, Republic of Weston.

At the Shamanic Society associated with the G10 countries.

Several people have gathered in the headquarters. The hall was filled with noises of footsteps or murmurs. All their mouths spoke that one rumour,

"They apprehended a Rashha child!"

People buzzed like bees in a haste to arrange the conference among the prominent figures of the Shamanic Society or in short SS.

Amongst the busy hallway, a group of men marched towards the conference section of the building. The tapping sounds of their boots resonated with rumbles.

There was only one lady amid the suited men. She had spiky red waist long hair and was blindfolded aside from being handcuffed. Two talismans hung by her two hands and one on her forehead.

The boy that walked right behind her, shoved her in pauses as if to lead her the way.

"Keep walking straight, demon."

"Stop pushing me, human!" Her nose twitched in response to a familiar scent.

The boy slapped a talisman on her mouth restraining her from talking.

The boy along with the devil separated from the group and entered the lower section of the conference room. A few more people awaited them there, ready with their restraining jutsu. As they proceeded with the jutsu, the devil cried in agony.

Causing immense pain to the devil, they wrapped chains around her body, making her grovel.

"Just wait and watch you lowly humans!" She rotated her head around in search of the source of that scent she got earlier.

"I greet all my fellow shamans in today's conference. I also thank high shamans for granting us their presence. My name is Fitsburg and I'll commence our conference today in the presence of Chief Yagnav."

The man in a fine brown suit and spectacles began their conference. "I'll start with the report from the concerned team."

The boy that stood a few meters behind the devil, stepped into the light and raised his head at the people sitting a floor above. "Eda speaking from the first hand witness of the devil hunting. The devil that is restrained here is a suspected child of the Devil king Rashha that we've been looking for since the tragedy 9 years ago."

"I'm telling you I'm not a child! Stop calling me a child!" The devil grumbled.

"If so.." the chief of the society, Yagnav finally started to speak. "Can you tell us your origin? How you came to or what you were doing yesterday?"

The devil whimpered and spoke in a tone that got buried under the jiggling noise of the chain. "That… i.. dunno." Her nose kept twitching as if warning her of something.

"Do you know why you were brought here?" The chief continued to converse with the devil.

"That's right!" She howled. "I did nothing wrong! I just came to yesterday and was looking for some food. Then they came and just tied me up! What do you humans call it… kidnapping!"

"Listen here, you devil. The Shamanic Society decided to be generous with you and give you two options. Either you obey and cooperate with us, we will keep you fed and well treated until your purpose is served. Or you can disobey and be executed immediately. Which one do you prefer?

The devil was surprise struck. She found herself confused between the choices. "Errrrr. Like i said… i just came to yesterday… and i don wanna die already… I wouldn't mind being fed.."

Though that's what her mouth spoke, her inner thoughts were completely devious.

Well i can just turn against them anytime. They are just weak humans. I'll play along and have them unseal me later.

She hurriedly looked to her left and right and sniffed multiple times.

"It appears that we've come to an agreement." Yagnav switched his crossed arms. "Since you've decided to join us, we will be in complete authorisation of your powers and hence keep them sealed."

The chains jiggled and the talisman swayed as the devil struggled in disapproval. "Why?!" She pointed at another person that only happily stared at her struggling from a distance. "You're leaving that devil alone and ganging all up on me! That's so unfair!"

The chatter among the higher shamans on the top floor aroused. Perplexion was visible on their faces and words.

At the lower floor, a boy, Yurun, jerked in slight laughter. "Haha. A devil called you devil. Can you believe that?"

The accused person only politely smiled. "Well, isn't that mean to me, my dear devil?"

The devil, who was confident about her accusation, suddenly started to doubt herself. Her brows winced and she glared daggers while the thought wandered her mind.

The stench disappeared!

Stopping the chatters inside the conference hall, Yagnav said. "She… Astolfo isn't a devil. You were mistaken."

Eda was supposed to report the case, but it turned out he only stared at the expressions everyone made in the room. His attention was specifically caught by the girl, Astolfo.

"A… a.. anyway." Stuttered the devil. "I don't consent in sealing my powers." Her voice mumbled. "I don't even know what my power is."

Yagnav decided to make the order perchance she disapproved. "All my fellow shamans, you can start preparing for her exorcism."

Hastily she finally agreed, having no other choice. "Okay okay... okay! I give my consent!"

Given the chance, the high shaman Rasmond spoke. "Since we've found one Rashha child, it wouldn't be too hard to find the rest."

He got interrupted by high shaman Lairei Choy, "We'll need a team that will be able to counterattack those s class devils."

Yagnav left out a short breath. He had already arranged a team in his mind. All he had to do was officially voice it out. "I give Eda from the Muraika family the authorization of sealing the devil's ability and monitoring her."

A corner of high shaman Jean Muraika's lip curled up in pride.

"Yurun from Randolf family will be included together with…" Yagnav seemed a little reluctant. He glared at the next person he was about to speak of. "Astolfo."

The director Fitsburg was struck with surprise. "A.. Astolfo? You mean Astolfo from the Vehement family?"

The rest of the higher ups were taken a little aback. They had not expected such a team formation. Especially with that girl which Yagnav have been favouring for quite a long time.

"Are you sure about this team formation, chief Yagnav?" High shaman Randolf suspiciously glared at him. "Are you sure you're not just favouring her?"

High shaman Erika Wolfsbane defended the chief with her speech. "I think it is better this way. She's capable enough and we would hate a repeat of a nine year old tragedy."

Yagnav heightened his chin in a threatening posture. "I'll proceed with this team formation if no one objects in it. Is there anyone who has any objections?"

The rest of the shamans kept their heads low in submission. They dared not to go against the chief.

"I'll end the conference here for today. All of you are free to join the banquet before you leave."

Thus came an end to their air stifling conference among devil and humans.