
Devil May Cry: Nero's Origin

After the death of his brother, Dante wallows in grief and self-blame while his new friend 'Lady' tries to bring him back on his feet. As destiny brings him face to face with the last remnant of his brother in the living world, Dante will do his utmost to protect his unborn nephew from all the forces that would wish to do him harm. Follow Dante on his journey to redemption as he tries to protect the last seed of hope along with his somewhat crazy but drop dead gorgeous sister-in-law.

RavingSpecter · Video Games
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16 Chs

First Meeting

After the painful loss of his mother Eva, Vergil had never found the same happiness. He could never forget the helplessness and the terror of the night when Mundus' henchmen had reached their doorstep. His mother had died trying to save the twins while Vergil himself had experienced the most brutal near-death experience.

After waking up in a desolate graveyard, Vergil vowed to be the strongest so he may never have to watch a loved one die in front of him again. He thirsted after power similar to what his father possessed; the same power all of underworld had been afraid of. With this goal in mind Vergil set off to find the trail left behind by Sparda in the human world in order to retrieve Sparda's sealed demonic power.

The very first clue he had found was located in the city of Fortuna where a group called Order of the Sword worshipped Sparda and considered him to be the savior of all humanity.

Looking at the majestic cathedral that stood in the center of the city while overlooking everything else, he could not feel anything. He had hardly ever felt anything after what had happened to him in the past.

Nothing fazed him; not anymore. The only thing he could still feel was a deep thirst. A thirst for power so terrifying that he was willing to pay any price to quench it.

Vergil had only started walking towards the cathedral when a group of hooded women walked past him. He would have never noticed such a group in the past but this time a hooded woman attracted his attention.

Vergil was a handsome man and he knew it. He had received many affectionate gazes in the past but this woman was different. She was too blatant in her approach. Her gaze was unwavering and too direct.

Upon a closer look he noticed that she was looking at him but not exactly. Her focus wasn't on his face but at the necklace he was wearing.

He couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong with her piercing gaze. Unconsciously he picked up pace in an attempt to move away from the woman who was fixated on him.

Vergil, as aloof as he might have been, was flustered when that woman suddenly matched his pace; overshot him easily, turned around and spread her arms wide to stop him from moving any further.

Vergil silently moved his hand towards the hilt of his blade Yamato and pushed it out slightly from its sheath using his thumb.

"Who are you?" said Vergil icily while glaring at the mesmerizing woman in red whose hood had rolled back while she hurried to stop him.

Beatrice looked him in the eye, seemingly not afraid of the blade that was itching to come out of its sheath and jokingly said as she pointed towards his neck, "Someone who is very interested in that choker of yours."

"How do you know about this necklace?" asked Vergil while trying to figure out how this random woman knew about something that had been made exclusively for him on his birthday.

"Was there anything special about it? If there was anything, why hadn't his father ever mentioned it to him?" The grip on the hilt of his blade grew more powerful as his caution towards the unknown woman shot through the roof. He assumed the optimal stance that allowed him the maximum flexibility for drawing his weapon whenever needed.

"Hey, I am not some demon that you need to be so cautious of. For starters, you can put that away and we can have a civilized discussion. What do you say?" Beatrice said while pointing at the sword clearly a bit offended upon being treated so coldly.


Sparda, after he had lost his demonic powers, integrated into the human world as he tried to live a normal and peaceful life; a task that he succeeded in thanks to an unforeseen encounter.

He fell in love with a human girl named Eva and sired his twin sons named Dante and Vergil who became his anchors that motivated him to stay and protect the human world from the demonic influence.

Both of his sons shared similar appearances to that of their father Sparda. Vergil, the older twin brother was always a little aloof but had a good heart. The little brother Dante on the other hand was the exact opposite; outspoken, vibrant and full of life and mischief.

The day that the household celebrated the birthday of the twins, each of them received an identical necklace with their names carved into them. Never could they have imagined that this seemingly normal birthday gift from their father held the key to opening the gateway between the underworld and the Earth.

Sparda had divided his perfect amulet into two halves and each half had been given to one of the twins. The key that could cause the destruction of the world had been given to the two children like birthday candy.

Sparda had lived his final years enjoying the peace and freedom. He neither mentioned his past to his sons nor left any clue about the identity of the amulet he had hung around their necks. It was probably out of love that he did so, to spare them the fear and pain of those who knew what dangers laid around them.


"Hey, are you listening? I just want to talk. I promise I don't bite." Beatrice giggled while trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

"Who are you?" Vergil maintained his iciness not willing to put away his sword until he confirmed whether she was a threat.

Seeing the cold visage Beatrice was stumped. She didn't think he would be so hard to convince. Normally people would fawn all over her seeing her beauty and otherworldly charm.

A long sigh escaped her mouth and she gave in. "Alright, calm down. I am someone from the order of the sword. Can we talk somewhere away from prying ears? Is that too much to ask?"

Vergil kept staring at her without saying a single word.

"Anyway you still have a sword to defend yourself; don't you?"

Still there was no answer.

"Stay this way and you will never get a woman for yourself." Beatrice pouted, acting like some girl next door.

"Stop acting. You aren't as simple as you make yourself out to be." Vergil replied with a stony face.

"It would be better for you if you tell me the truth. If at any point I feel that you are lying to me or are hiding something, I will cut you into pieces. You are welcome to try me."

"Fine...fine. Count yourself vicious. My name is Beatrice Rushford and I really am a part of the order of the sword, though I am only a low ranking member." Beatrice finally felt reluctant to continue offending the icy devil.

"Satisfied now?" Beatrice probed.

Vergil nodded his head and moved his hand away from the Yamato slightly.

Vergil pointed to a nearby café and indicated for her to follow.