
Devil in Devils son in-law

Nova Wakes up to find himself in a world from a story he read, Devils son in-law. a world for the strong, only power matters. if your weak you will get used up and left for dead, before he gets the chance to worry though he thankfully gets a system. A DxD system in a demonic world, Nova beings his own story with knowledge of future events and aims to survive the approaching end times.

Pretending_Author · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs


I open my eyes and I am laying in a dusty metal corridor, shaking my head I dismiss the mask and sit up.

"Master." I turn to the voice and see five golden eye lamp spirits kneeling, They need less revealing outfits, or they're going to make someone catch a case walking around dressed like that. Maybe some maid uniforms would be more appropriate.

"Master?" A worried voice breaks me from my thoughts and I stand up and dust myself off.

"I have inherited the Mark for this kingdom, take me to the control room, the inheritance process seems to have deteriorated over time and I only remember bits and pieces. I do remember the importance of getting the kingdom up and running as fast as possible." All five of them show stand up and begin to walk away leaving footprints in the dust.

As far as I remember there are materials that the AI that runs this place can use to create the Alchemy life forms. I need to mass produce the Gremlin servants that are strictly non-combatant but are master crafters and maintenance men. They can get this place up and running and once that's done they can repair any lamps that are broken or any other alchemy life forms.


"This is it beyond this door." They bow and I continue forward, I remember they are not allowed in here so I don't bother to ask why they stopped. They cant betray me because they are all enslaved to the kingdom and the kingdom is under my control so to speak now, or will be once I power up this AI.

I walk into a bright hallway that blinds me and presses down on me, this should be it searching for the imprint so I don't resist and after I feel thoroughly patted down it teleports me into a massive room.

"Welcome, how can I assist you, Master?"

"Damage report." A few panels light up and I intrinsically can understand their meaning and that I also have complete control of this room similar to my domain. Through this room, I control the kingdom, but a real kingdom is all controlled at once and not through a half-measure like this.

"More than eighty-seven percent overall damage, Production of Gremlin servants recommended, Master." I nod and slide a few icons mentally and feel a bit giddy at the Sci-Fi feel, Definitely some Tony Stark stuff going on here.

"Refer to me as Nova from now on, Also your new name is Friday and the name for the kingdom will be... Olympus." A few more lights flash and I also mentally change the color scheme of the control room from white and yellow hard light constructs and virtual displays to a solid black room with red being the color of any light. The stairs going up to the throne are highlighted in red or you wouldn't even be able to see them on the almost Vanta-black surface.

I can remodel this place better later, now let's get this rebuild up and running.


- Athena POV -

"Are you busy?" Nova's voice enters my mind after I accept the connection, I look around at the other girls eating and talking. We just sat down and ordered food at this restaurant Catherine brought us to.

"Catherine just joined us while we were out shopping in her capital and recommended a restaurant to us and we are eating now, do you need me for something?"

"Wait, you guys are all grouped up and nothing horrible happened?" I roll my eyes at his over-the-top nature.

"No, we are just having a girl's day out. Though she was pretty open about how she is marrying you soon as if to rub it in a few faces." A few people are staring at me at the table likely understanding what it is I am doing.

"I see, ask them if they want to see something cool after you all are done eating." He sounds excited about whatever new toy he has acquired.

"Ok, I will call you after we are done eating." after a quick goodbye I hang up.

"Nova called you?" I hear Kia ask as I pick up my drink and take a sip and nod to answer her.

"He did, he asked if we wanted to see something cool when we got done eating." A few lips smack at Nova butting into our day out.

"What do you think it is?" Freya asks.

"I don't know but he sounded really excited." A few agree and seem vaguely interested.

Seems our next destination is planned.


"I will call him." Catherine waves to get my attention as a magic circle appears beneath our feet.

"Let's just pop in on him, might be more interesting this way." The circle activates but we don't move, we all look at her as she looks down also seemingly confused. "I got stopped?" A second circle appears and she seems to pour even more power into it as it glows brightly we finally get teleported into a black room.


- Nova POV -

I felt as if someone just slapped me across the face, looking around stunned I soon see a magic circle appear. Seems Catherine had tried to teleport in and my Kingdom pushed her off and that somehow caused the slapping sensation. It would be best to keep that secret close to the vest or they might get funny ideas of teleporting stuff in here and trying to hit me with invisible hands.

"What was that?" Catherine asks as she takes off her veil and the other girls follow her lead.

"What was what?" It is best to play the fool, lest I become their punching bag.

"I got stopped when I tried to teleport in here? why does this feel like a domain... but different." Catherine's demonic energy spreads out and seemingly study's all the odd objects and glowing panels.

"Foreign energy detected in the control room, proceeding with expulsion measures." Friday's voice echo's in the room ominously as a bright light cannon aims at the girls.

"Stop!!!" I dispel the canon and everyone looks at the ceiling where the voice came from.

"Who is that?" Athena asks as she walks up the steps and stubs her toe on one not able to see it very well.

"That is Friday, she is the Artificial Intelligence that operates and controls this kingdom on my behalf."

Only Catherine knows about kingdoms among the group and she looks shocked as her demonic energy prods at me to see if I managed to pass her up in power.

"Your demonic energy seems to be around mine now, what did you do?" I pull up a hologram of the city that is already under repair. I have sent out most of my employees to buy up the ingredients needed for the repairs. There were some materials in the stores that were enough to get started and I gave half the fruit I had to the lamp girls to get making power cubes.

"This is an Alchemy civilization kingdom, their people didn't cultivate like demons or humans. They instead relied on crafting things and this is one of the pinnacles of their crafts. Demons and Humans form a domain and convert it into a kingdom using their own power and efforts. These Alchemy people just built a city and have it power itself and use this room to control the kingdom."

I let that sink in since it's new info to most of them.

"And then they would craft lifeforms using Alchemy to do their fighting and serve them, I am currently in the process of rebuilding this place. I have sent people out to buy the materials and when it is fully operational I will teleport it above the ground and it will fly the skies once more." I just realized that Shea isn't here but I will just give her a more private tour at a later time.

"So you cheated to get a kingdom?" Catherine asks with a hint of disdain, I grin at her and shake my head.

"I will have two, this one and my own that I will craft naturally." She nods and continues to prod at everything to try to further her understanding of kingdom formation.

"So it's a big floating city where you will make a bunch of new toys?" Krobelus asks as she pokes at the hologram, before I can answer she asks about the moving dots on the 3D map. "What are these blue dots?" her question draws most of their eyes back to the map.

"Those are some of the alchemy life forms going about cleaning and repairs." A few ohhs and ahhs later someone asks a question I was hoping wouldn't come up.

"Can you show what they look like?" Delia asks and I clean my ear with my pinky and act like I didn't hear her.

"Nova?" Athena asks.

"Yes, my love?" A perfect diversion as most are picking at my words and forgetting the matter of alchemy lifeforms. Athena's face blushes heavily but also glares at me.

"Show us what they look like I am curious." Why are you doing this to me?!

"Ok." I show an ugly gremlin who is currently fixing a light fixture.

"They're kind of small, and their fingers are made of tools." Isabella takes a close look at the fingers that are shaped in various tools. "How many of them are there?"

"Two hundred." A victorious smirk crosses her face and I stumble back on my throne. They are all decent cultivation and are more than capable of quickly counting the over a thousand dots moving on the map.

"What other kinds of life forms are there?" Delia quickly catching onto there being some secret is quick to throw wood onto the fire and I reluctantly summon a hologram of a lamp spirit.

The room has a chill pass through it.

"Friday crank up the heat in here please." The holograms disappear and I regret not giving the maid uniforms sooner.

"How many of those are there?" Isabella asks with a bright smile.

"Two thousand, for now, some are still sleeping in their dormant forms waiting for power." I lean back into the throne and feel the nice back warmer heating up.


"Olympus is a level two kingdom and can support twenty thousand gremlins, ten thousand crystal beasts, five thousand lamp spirits, one thousand assemble puppets, and finally one hundred giant crystal beasts." The dutiful AI reports.

"The gremlins can't fight, they can pilot the assemble puppets but demons or humans could probably do it better. the crystal beats are demon king or great demon king tier. The Lamp Spirits are based on their eye color and gold being the strongest at demon emperor, for now, I plan on trying to push a new level and making them go to overlord. Assemble puppets are emperor level or overlord level depending on the efficiency of the pilot inside of it. Lastly, the giant crystal beasts are peak demon overlord, and the people who ruled these kingdoms lost to the Abyss." A somber mood fills the room as I show off the capability's of a lower-level city like this one, Shea joined us after I got nagged at for dressing the ' poor blue girls ' in scanty clothes.

"Even one of these kingdoms could conquer the demon world, and you're saying they lost?" I nod at Shea's question.

"That's why I want the demon world to come to a deal and work together to face this threat." Most of the people in the room don't even know how to react. Some already heard of it through me, but seeing it is different. This kingdom contains videos from back then and the Trial I took was a test versus the Abyss.

"What do they want?" Catherine asks.

"Destruction, and that's not me being ominous. They seek the destruction of all things, they do not need slaves or allies and only want to end the cycle to make it begin again. For that to happen all living things need to die." Freya raises her hand nervously.

"When are they coming?" I don't know, if I stir up trouble at their alters before their avatars can descend then I can prolong their arrival. And if I go to the human world and deal with the two girls that are vessels for the Abyss leader then I can delay it quite a lot.

"The best answer is before the next time the gate between the human and demon world opens, at this point it's inevitable and only a matter of time."

I couldn't remember the crystal city interactions exactly but I improvised it the best I could remember. I looked it up in the original and got tired of searching through the pages and just went based on my memory

Thanks for reading!!!

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