
Devil in Devils son in-law

Nova Wakes up to find himself in a world from a story he read, Devils son in-law. a world for the strong, only power matters. if your weak you will get used up and left for dead, before he gets the chance to worry though he thankfully gets a system. A DxD system in a demonic world, Nova beings his own story with knowledge of future events and aims to survive the approaching end times.

Pretending_Author · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs


"So, what did you come by for?" Catherine pushes me off her and sits back up against the head of the bed.

"Nothing in particular just was busy running around and wanted to stop by and see you. before I forget now that you brought up needing something, can you look into the Samael Family? they should be hiding somewhere and if you can get an idea I want to discuss it with them about their artifact." Catherine hums as she thinks about it and after a few moments she nods.

"They should be in bloody empire still, but it also wouldn't be too hard to find at least one and try to get them to relay a message. what are you planning to give them in return for their most valuable item?" I pull out a knight piece and show it off, curiously she grabs it.

"I plan to reincarnate their leader in return and then they will still be able to use it as well, with the armor and shield as well as the mask I will feel more secure in what I plan to do next." she scans the piece and hands it back after losing interest.

"What are you planning? something stupid if you need those specifically, with the mask you will be immune to soul control. the armor and the shield will make you almost impossible to kill by magic and very resistant to physical hits. but the armor also makes you immune to spirit invasion, overall it seems like you are prepping to fight someone that you don't think you can beat." smart, with those three specifically I can probably flee in the face of a kingdomized safely or even do damage with fallen angel sword targeting their soul. but it will also keep me from being made into a slave by python in the silver box and Satan in the mountains where the Yuan soil is.

"Well, you're not wrong about not being able to beat them. I am very tempted to approach to false gods, I think they should roughly be a million years old or more." her eyes go wide and she smacks my chest.

"What is wrong with you?! don't you know that you are jumping to your death going near someone that strong?" I shake my head, if they were completely ruthless then Satan would have just conquered the demon world in an afternoon and forced people to worship him. even with a few others near his level they would probably just ask for a slice of the pie instead of fighting to the death.

"Well I am about fifty-fifty that I can get what I want without getting myself killed." she leans her head back and glares.

"We are about to wed and you want to do something this dumb?"

"It won't be now, even if you found them and they handed me the armor I will wait till I am at least kingdom. at kingdom rank with the artifacts I am super confident that they would rather try to use me in their games than instantly kill me for some random reason. one of them seeing the artifacts might even go out of their way to ally me." she shakes her head exasperated.

"Whatever, I can always just never 'find' the Samael Family and you can't run off and die." she smiles confidently. I should have held off on the reason till after I had the item.


- Captain salty beard POV -

"What is it?!" I jump up hearing what the imp reported.

"We have spotted the harpies and can hear the songs of the sirens, the defenses set up by Lord Nova seem to be holding. none of the men are even slightly tempted by their charming song and we are waiting for your command." it works, this is big.

"Hurry and turn around this was just a scouting attempt, we will map out this location so we can show it to Nova. he also wants us to try and find the thunder snake archipelago, though he said the Naga's would slaughter us if they spot us. but with the emergency escape circle we can leave with our lives if that's the case." he nods and runs off to relay my orders, I look back at the sword mounted on the wall.

If he was right about the defenses then that means the other items are likely real as well. the warp circle will take us back to port and this sword's effects ' are likely real as well. I have been too scared to try it till now but if it's true then I want to try it at least once.

"Though I don't know what an Excalibonk is but the dog-headed hilt does look kind of cool, but does it really do as he said it would?" I am a bit embarrassed to shout the name while doing that pose, maybe when we require a decisive blow to an enemy I will swing it.


[ Kia - Devourer Succubus

low demon overlord


Devour Physique

Elemental affinity

Essence absorption


lord of flies

Steel Armor

Royal Devils physique ]

"Yea you did change, you seem to have become more Beelzebub than you were before. here try to wear this and see if you feel like it's working." I pass the God-eating mask over and she hesitantly puts it on her face.

"How do I know if it's worki- OH! it's stuck!" I laugh as she starts to panic, I grab it and try to pull it off and realize I can't.

"Uh, try to imagine it going into a storage that you can't see." hope it works like the cloak and sword.

"Oh thank god, you scared me you jerk!" she slugs me in the chest as she rubs her face with her other hand. "I thought I was going to have that ugly thing stuck to my face the rest of my life." I pull the mask back out and she watches it with caution as I put it on.

"It seems to be fine for me, maybe you just did it wrong." sending it back after pulling it back off after putting it on. "try to put it back on with just a thought." she shakes her head and steps back.

"What if it won't come off this time? it could have been a warning from the mask to not play with it since I am not a Beelzebub." I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Do I look like a Beelzebub?" she purses her lips.

"It's not the same, I am a bastard of Beelzebub, and you're like a magic Devil that stole the power to wield it." she really doesn't like the Beelzebub family, it's wasteful to waste the chance to wield this much power though so she needs to embrace it. even if she still denies today I will slowly work her into accepting it, it's like Akeno ignoring her fallen powers because of her hate of her dad and what happened to her.

"Kia, you're a succubus that manifested the power of devouring and it has been enhanced enough to bond the artifact that is overpowered. it makes you immune to soul control and a ton of other ability's like demonic flies transformation to avoid attacks and will even give you earth mastery. you also need to practice your lord of flies power so you can be at your peak." she looks down and her mom on the side looks like she wants to comfort her.

"..Ok." the mask appears on her face and the light in the eye slots glows as she accesses the power of the mask.

"There you go, now just practice with it so you can use it in combat. personally, I think the immunity to soul control is the strongest aspect and it's always active if you have it on. but the flies transformation can help you practice your lord of flies and try different things with it. technically you can also mind control people and turn them into puppets but I have yet to try it myself." she controls the earth around her and some attaches itself to her and take on a metallic sheen.

"I can feel the new powers you were telling me about when I have the mask on, this seems to be a defensive magic that armors myself. I won't lie it looks ugly and I will probably never use it again." she dismisses the clunky armor and I laugh seeing her mom deadpan at her throwing away an ability because of its appearance.

"Remember you can always change the look and make it look how you want if you practice your demonic energy enough." at least as long as she thinks that's true it should be, demonic energy is kind of stupid like that. if you don't think it will work or second guess it then it will not work.

"Hmm, your right I could just change the way it looks..." I leave her to her thoughts and head inside to see what's for dinner. walking past Freya she joins me and we walk together.

"Thank you, Nova, I can't believe she has made it to demon overlord so quickly... it makes me very happy to know she will be able to stand up to people and not be put down any more." she holds onto my arm and leans her head on my shoulder.

I might have felt touched by her heartfelt feelings if she didn't keep rubbing her breast on my arm. Freya and her daughter have been getting handsy since Athena's birthday. using even a moment like this to try and tempt me I shake my head at her antics. then an idea hits me and I make sure no one is close enough to be listing.

"Oh? your very thankful huh?" she looks up at me questioningly and I smile wide, her eyes go wide and she nods.

"Super thankful." with a quick nod.

"I see, if you are so thankful I guess you could help me out with something right?" she bites her lip and her eyes light up.

"I can absolutely help you with whatever it is you want." got her.

"I see, I was just really in the mood for some..." I trail off and admire her figure as she shivers at my passionate gaze.

"Mood for?" the lust rolls off her.

"For some hot wings, maybe some mashed potatoes and gravy as well. thank you by the way Freya I look forward to what you whip up." she drops and I hear her whine as her hopes where smashed.

"..Nova..." walking away I look over my shoulder and make eye contact.

"Well, I will be waiting in my room when you get done you can bring it up to me." she has tears in her eyes as I turn and with a quick eye roll she seems to catch on. she springs up and marches over quickly in a huff, all the mock sadness gone.

"You were just joking!" she catches back up and hugs my arm as she bites it lightly in anger. she pauses and looks up. "You were joking about the food though right?"

Going to do short POVs of random people to slowly explain some stuff happening in the back ground, expect salty beard to return in the future! I will be using them to explain more about the world so people dont have to ask whats what. like salty beard is going to explore the dead sea and all that he encounters will be explained by him over time so I dont just have Nova show up there and expect people to know where he is.

Thanks for reading!!!

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