
Devil in Devils son in-law

Nova Wakes up to find himself in a world from a story he read, Devils son in-law. a world for the strong, only power matters. if your weak you will get used up and left for dead, before he gets the chance to worry though he thankfully gets a system. A DxD system in a demonic world, Nova beings his own story with knowledge of future events and aims to survive the approaching end times.

Pretending_Author · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs


{ I can already see some people disliking some things about this chapter but it's all for a future plan that Nova doesn't know about since he is missing info, just know that I am setting something up for the MC to make gains.}

I watch as Isabella drinks the last of the eternal potions and sets down the empty bottle. after she learned about my contracts and signed a few she wanted me to make a few more to cover her bases and I agreed. stuff, like I won't, betray her and sell her to some sex shop or scheme to kill her once she finishes with what I need. she was confused about what I wanted long term and after explaining I just want to get what I need to get done then we can plan the future she was pretty mad. but once we have contracts in place to prevent murdering each other in any various ways or the people around us she was satisfied enough to sign a contract to help me save the demon world, she wanted more clarification and I just told her the world was ending and I needed her info gathering skills and connections to help me unite the demon world against a common enemy and also to steal a few things. she most likely thinks I am crazy but since I signed I would help her avenge her family she got what she wanted from the deal and with the fail-safes trusts me enough to not try anything in the near future.

Now it's time to reincarnate her as my new queen and slowly over time I can gain her real trust and she will gain mine and all will be well. I hope this isn't the last slot I have available for queens since I still need to have two more for Shea and Catherine at the bare minimum.

"So how does this work now?" she picks up the queen piece and twirls it in her fingers before rubbing it between her thumb and palm.

"Do you agree to be my queen?" she raises an eyebrow and snorts but agrees and even smiles a bit finding this amusing.

[ Reincarnate ' Isabella ' as your queen? ]


[ choose rebirth option ]

[ Slave ]

[ Servant ]

[ Equal ]

I select equal and the piece floats up from her hand and heads toward her chest. she watches it like a hawk as it nestles itself between her breasts and slowly sinks into her skin. Isabella jerks a bit and pulls up her hands looking at them before her eyes go wide, standing up she disappears and appears on the other side of the room and reapers beside me and then back at the center of the room. wiping the sweat from my forehead at the display of raw speed and the worry that I probably would have had my heart ripped out before I fled if things went sideways, this makes me lose some of my confidence in talking to Catherine the rumored strongest woman in the demon world.

Isabella then drops the straps on her dress as it falls to her waist, she is facing away from me so I am only seeing her back but I am still shocked at the change of pace going on. that's when I realize that her back is completely bare no curse mark or anything. given I never actually saw it but it should be a huge flower mark if I remember right.

[ ' Isabella ' successfully reincarnated as devil Equal ]

"Seems it worked out and the mark is gone, how are you feeling Izzy?" she slings her straps back on and tucks her breast back into the dress, and turns around looking at me incredulously.

"Izzy? and yea I feel like I have been completely reborn, almost like a new body entirely. the little bit of back pain I had is also gone and I feel like my body got a bit softer if that makes sense." that's an odd effect but her body was already sinful now it's full of sin so an enhancement in that way isn't completely weird. Athena didn't say anything about her body changing in that way but I guess she wouldn't pay attention to it anyway unlike Isabella who actively tries to look good versus Athena's tomboyish appeal.

[ Isabella Belphegor - Royal Devil

Peak demon Emporer


Wind attribute

Evil king eye


Evil Voodoo


Royal devils physique]

Wait. what is this? she has crack, that's the clan trait of the Belphegor's in DxD., and what is this Royal devils physique? I look up and Isabella has her eyes closed trying to focus on something and then wings sprout from her back and I am shocked. she has three pairs, in DxD the only people who had multiple pairs for the devils were the Satans. Vali and Ingvild and they had four pairs, I believe Rizevim had six or seven pairs. but Belphegor was just an extra clan they weren't even a seventy-two pillar clan how the hell does Isabella have multiple pairs?

"Something wrong?" Isabella waves her hand Infront of me and I refocus and decide that when I reincarnate Shea or Catherine I will get more answers. the most important part is the clan trait she gained since it is busted and I am kind of jealous.

"Nah, I was just wondering if you feel any new powers? some new devils gain some new powers and I was curious if you got anything good." crack is beyond good, it can break people and magic attacks and objects, the sky is the limit for that ability.

"I do feel something odd inside of me, it's like a phantom limb. just let me try to-" she holds her hand up and the bottles on the table she drank from earlier shatter into a fine dust. she looks at her hand and then back at the glass dust a few times before looking at another bottle and all three explode. I stand up slapping my hands on the desk.

"Hold on! don't do this inside my poor furniture!" She giggles and stops breaking things as she sits in a new seat that doesn't have glass shards.

"Do you know what it is I am doing? it feels like I am tearing them apart with this phantom limb but it's a bit confusing I feel like I am missing something." I sigh and she looks over with a questioning look as I sit back down.

"To be honest I know what it is and it doesn't make sense to me at all, but long story short you gained the clan trait called Crack and it allows you to crack anything apart. you will need to learn some magic circles from my world to better utilize it but as is you can use it as a sledgehammer to break anything conceptually. you can't break things stronger than your own power though so someone in demon overlord would just shrug it off for the most part." her eyes go wide as she holds a hand up looking at it and I can see a tiny hairline fracture on space itself in the palm of her hand. glad she's on my side and it made all the stress and paperwork worth it.

"Hmmm I need to practice with it but this should be extremely useful. alright, so what is it that you wanted me to do anyway? we are a team now so no need to hold back on all your schemes I can help with." she almost seems sarcastic but we are a team now bound by souls so it is what it is.

"Well I need to steal the sword of the lucifer family, I don't need you to do anything other than getting one of my contracts into the room and drop some blood on it. after you do that then I will contact you and ask when it's clear to teleport in and I will nab the sword and leave. other than that I need some info on a few people but it's not a rush, if you could also send someone to the entrance of the rainbow valley with one of my contracts to summon me that would be ideal." she takes a few of my contracts and also a few I made that will ' call ' me since she hasn't learned the magic circle it will do it for her. "also whenever you get back and are in your house send a summons so I can explore the capital to get teleport points set up in case I want to cause some trouble." she quirks her eyebrow but pockets the contracts keeping the summons separate from the phone ones.

"I understand the sword and the rest but why the rainbow valley?" it's a given no one knows since Zola probably would just blast any trespassers who survived her maze but I should meet her sooner rather than later.

"There is someone I want to meet that lives near the valley." she just nods as I stretch. "if you want I can help you get better control of your demonic energy."

"Sure why not, for the most part, I am done here since I now know the real cause of all the conflict but since I joined up with you I need to help you clean up a bit. but let's head out and take a look at this new power I am itching to try it out." I hold my hand out and she grabs it as I teleport us into the middle of the black rainforest so she can let loose and not worry about being seen.


Admiring the devastation left in Izzy's wake I sit on a chair I keep in my inventory as she practices displaying her power so it looks like she is still low demon emperor. she was able to thoroughly destroy a good part of the forest with crack and even tested out her speed some before learning to adjust the demonic energy.

"I think I got the hang of it now so no one should notice anything too major at least." I need to get her to talk more about her revenge so I can include myself and it won't be weird when I kill Broc for her and Delia.

"So you ready to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" I sigh and lean back in my seat.

"About who cursed you or your goals. the teamwork thing goes both ways so it would be nice to know what I need to expect." she looks away and takes a seat on a downed tree beside me.

"The one who cursed me is gone so not much can be done about that, at least not soon but they took my family artifact and I want to get it back. other than that I want to destroy the secret organization I ' work ' for, a few of them were involved in the murder of my family but other than that there isn't much I care for." I nod and sit back up straight and make eye contact.

"So got any names I should look out for?" she smiles and hums.

"A few, but with my new strength I am perfectly capable of getting rid of them and they hold nothing over me. I was just bidding my time till I was ready but now I am more than ready." oh no what if she kills him before he can attack Catherine or Delia later at the swamp? he legit is the driving force that rushed the relationship with Catherine, I may hate the guy but I need him to help me out with that even if it is scummy.

"Details Izzy, Details I can't do anything to help if you don't let me." I need to at least slow her down, for all I know she is going to head back to kill Broc as soon as she leaves the dark moon, this isn't going to be good for my plans but maybe I can stall her.

Thanks for reading!

Izzy got a clan trait from DxD but later on that in the near future! I know some people get rubbed wrong when people, not the MC get powerups but I mean their legit partners, and spoiler alert she will be in Harem so no sweat. just sit back and wait for what I got coming with it.

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