
Devil in Attack On Titan

A genius scientist dies after curing most of the world's problems. After dying God gives him another chance. What will he do in this world? +----------------------------------------------+ This is going to be a story with no limits and the character will be stupidly op. I might do a better rewrite in the future but for now, It's just for testing purposes. Thank you for reading

lordant · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


It was a bright day today, the golden sun shining like a raging phoenix and the falling morning dew on the star magnolia growing peacefully. The city streets were bustling with people conversing next to the tall, towering skyscrapers.

Today is the day that defines the state of humanity forever. Wars will stop, poverty will cease to exist and love will take place, "How will this happen?" you might think. But this all starts with one person.

In a white lab that reeks of cleaning agent stands a young man in a standard lab coat.

"Finally! I've... finally done it... now I can rest just a little." I say talking to myself, the only living thing in this room is lab rats.

Walking over to the bed, I fall on it like a dead body. As I'm resting I slowly close my eyes as I drift into the abyss. 'OH SHIT Wait.. wait... I'm dying.' the realization of my heartbeat slowly sinking to a dangerous level I realize I'm dying.

But I won't stop it. Today is a good day to die. Hopefully what greets me on the other side is bliss.

That day, at 3:43 PM, The famous biomedical scientist that's cured everything from HIV to Alzheimer's has passed away due to over-exhaustion. Almost the whole world mourns his death.

Two weeks later, the cure for all types of cancer has been released. It was found in his lab next to his dead body. The government calls it "his last gift to us".

But later they found multiple documents to fix most of the world's problems. Following these plans, climate change has stalled, pollution has declined, and war has stopped. More jobs have been created and the world is once again whole.

But now in another place.

'So this is what death feels like.. Strangely calming..'

???: "You're very calm for someone who has died. Do you know why you are here?

Tomio: "No, but I assume I am dead and that you are either god or another biblical figure?

God: "Well... You're correct! You've alway's been smart. For your past and future contributions to saving the people, I've worked hard to create. I will let you have a wish. As long as It's in my jurisdiction I will allow anything you ask for."

Tomio: "Anything eh? You've trapped yourself, God, I wish for unlimited wishes."

God: "W-wait wait... fine. I said anything. *tsk* Damn me, state your wishes, my child."

Tomio: "Hahaha, I thought you would go back on your words, here are my wishes.

[ I want to be able to state my wishes anytime, anywhere with no restrictions, I want to be able to create any abilities, perk or attribute I want, I want the powers of the biblical Devil or Satan and the Grim Reaper also their fictional depictions with no restrictions.

I also want a titan form and to have full control over any titan.

I want to be able to create anything even life. And without further ado to reincarnate to the world of Attack On Titan, one year after Eren is born.

God: "Attack on Titan huh? Interesting choice. Why this world child?"

Tomio: "I love the thrill, it would be fun to create an organization and mess with a lot of things in the story.

God: "Very well, hope I don't see you soon..."

After he said those words a blanket of darkness falls on me and then swallows me.

The next thing I see is a blinding light. Then I'm hugged by fleshy constricting walls all around me.

I already know this is the womb. So when I'm out I immediately start crying.

What I thought would be a beautiful scene turns out to be a terrible one. I see my mother and another woman surrounded by nine men all arguing.

Lady: "Please wait a few minutes, she just gave birth. Can't you see she's tired?"

Man 1: "Hey! I paid my money now let me have a turn with the damn whore!"

Man 2: "Yeah! We all paid! No one gives a damn if she just gave birth to this damn baby."

Man 4: "Who even got her pregnant? They should pay for our wasted time."

Man 5: "Throw the damn baby out. It's crying too much."

Man 3: "Good Idea. Throw him out so we can have fun with this cheap whore."

Then one of the old ugly men picks me up. Then take me outside and throw me an in alley.

'Sheesh what a rough start, I didn't even get a name first... Then I might as well call myself Abaddon after the Angel of Death because I want to be edgy {AN/: Hehe edgelord author here}'

Continuing my crying fit, a couple in the standard

Lady: "Honey look? There's a child on the wet ground!" she says while running towards me

Man: "And? We don't have time for this. Someone else will find him lets go."

Mrs. Yaeger: "No! I'm taking it to the orphanage. What if that was Eren!? How would you feel?"

Mr. Yaeger: "Ugh, fine. "

'So that's where I recognized them... FUCK YOU Old geezer' I'm tired of all these old people trying to ruin my NEW life.

As the lady picks me up, the old man who threw me comes out.

Man: Hey! That kid's not free you're gonna have to pay up y' know?

Mr. Yeager: "See? Let's stop wasting time."

Mrs. Yaeger: "Let's go! He's just a conman" as she said that she started running and Mr. Yaeger soon followed. I use this chance to peak at any possible locations I could remember from the anime. I can't distinguish anything so I leave that thought for later.

When we arrive at a rundown, almost dilapidated house with holes and tears in the walls and roof.

'I assumed it wouldn't be that great but this is worse. I will have to find my own space later.'

Mrs. Yaeger: "Hello ma'am. We found this child in an alley and we'd like you to take him in."

Old Lady: "Alright, give him to me. You can be on your way" at this point the couple is stunned. But just give me to them."

The couple, stunned. Hesitating to leave me in the care of this poor facility they finally do it.

Mrs. Yaeger: "Good luck little one, next time we meet remember me okay?" Is she really saying this to a newborn?...

Giggling to please the kind lady in front of me. The orphanage head closes the door. Then it takes me to a nursery with a rusty crib. Laying me in the crib I slowly fade into sleep.